On Saturday, September 3rd, I was Devotion Huddle and Bible Study leader at the St. Stephen Southern IN Sister's In Spirit Monthly Breakfast. The Lord laid it on my heart to share from the subject, There Is No "I" In Team. My Scripture passage came from 1Corinthians 3:3-8. With it being Labor Day weekend and the start of football season, I reminded everyone that we are co-laborers in Christ. Great football teams like the Indianpolis Colts don't win Super Bowls because of the talents of one or two players. If we are going to accomplish anything great for God, we have to take "I" out of it. It's not about us. It's about Jesus. As Christians, we all have different gifts and talents, but it's the same Spirit working in us to accomplish His will. One plants, another waters, but God gives the increase (I Corin. 3:6). It is God who should get the glory. Team work makes the dream work!
The bible study format was very interactive, allowing everyone to contribute. After devotion and prayer, we played "'Finder's Keepers." Gifts were hidden in the field behind the church. We asked everyone to find one gift, select a scripture for their "find," and write a paragraph about it. The Holy Spirit moved among us on the amphitheater to accomplish His will! Everyone contributed with great scriptures and paragraphs to support their "find," including the men and youth. And of course, everyone got to keep what they found which included some great gifts donated by the University of Louisville.
Afterwards, we tested our knowledge of the bible and football with trivia questions. "We need a Bible in one hand and a newspaper in the other if we intend to be effective witnesses on life's playing field," I stated. Who was the first black coach to win the Super Bowl? Who was last year's Super Bowl MVP, a Christian? Who was the first black assistant coach/coordinator in the SEC? Who said, "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child? What is the name of the woman who slept at the feet of her future husband? What was the name of the tree that Adam and Eve were told not to each fruit from? I gave way additional gifts, including tickets to the Louisville Bats baseball game and the Louisville Zoo, Christian t-shirts, books, water bottles, and novelties, and gospel music donated by Jesus Saves Ministries, WLOU Radio, and St. Stephen's Member Services Ministry. Everyone walked away a winner!
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