He's Bond...Julian Bond, the voice of America's Black Forum, the oldest black-owned show in television syndication, the voice that's narrated several award-winning, documentaries including "Eyes On the Prize."
He's Bond...Julian Bond, the man who said, "Violence is black children going to school for 12 years and receiving six years' worth of education."
He's coming to Louisville Wednesday, April 4th for the grand opening of the Anne Braden Institute for Social Justice Research in the Ekstrom Library at the University of Louisville.
Meet Bond...Julian Bond, a civil rights trailblazer on Jesus Saves Ministries LIVE! Friday, March 30th, 4:00-5:00 PM. Jesus Saves Ministries LIVE! It's more than just a talk show. It's an experience on 1350 WLOU!.
Remember, it's not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus saves!
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