Sunday, January 08, 2017

What New Song Are You Singing in 2017?

In a few short days, like it or not, the 45th president of the United States will be sworn into office.  The inauguration will include pomp and pageantry,  parades and songs of praise, no doubt.  Already there are those singing new songs of praise for the president-elect.  While some are praising, others have been and will be peacefully singing songs of protests on January 20th, Inaugration Day.   What new song are you singing?

This weekend's Precepts for Living Bible lesson in Psalm 96:1-13 has me singing a song of praise to the true and living God!  It is so important to meditate on Psalm 96 because it serves as a reminder that no matter who is president, no matter your party affiliation,  God is still on the throne!  He alone is Sovereign and worthy of all praise, honor, and glory! 

Psalm 96 is a song of praise, but specifically,  an enthronment psalm that celebrates God's divine kingship over all the earth.  The Lord reigns!  He established the world.  He is Creator, Sustainer, and Vindicator of the world!  As believers,  our new song should contain blessings, daily testimonies of God's salvation, and recollections of His glory and wonders (vv 2-3).    In fact, our entire lives should be one continuous new song of worship and praise to the One true God who sits high and looks low. We should not be so self-centered that we neglect and forget the One who can handle our problems.  We should not be so heavenly minded either that we are no earthy good.  We should praise God for his perfect justice, be aware of earthly injustice and speak out against it.  Let us sing a new song to God who reigns and is coming back again!  No matter who is in the White House, God is on the throne!  Amen!  Jesus saves!

"Sing a new song to the Lord ! Let the whole earth sing to the Lord ! Sing to the Lord ; praise his name. Each day proclaim the good news that he saves."
Psalms 96:1‭-‬2 NLT

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