By: Min. Angela Lee Price
Often on Fridays, I tweet, "T.G.I.F., Thank God I'm Forgiven (And It's Friday)! I teach Spiritual Gifts at church, and often in Spiritual Gifts class, I will use the acromyn "TGIF" as an icebreaker by asking members to unscramble it to form new words, phrases, and sentences. This exercise helps each person to understand that they have at least one "GIFT," and they "FIT IT," because they are "GIFT-IT" of God to do the work that He has called them to do (Ephesians 4:7-8).
The whole discussion of forgiveness is important because the Bible places forgiveness above or before giftedness, "Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift. It is sad to see gifted people at odds with each other in the church. What is worse is to see bickering parties continue their anomosity for years, even decades. However, the Bible says not only is there a frequency within which we are to forgive, seven times seventy (Matt. 18:21), but that there is a timeframe within which we are to forgive, "quickly" (v 25). We should do everything we can to resolve our differences often and to settle them out of court, Do it while you are still together on the way, or your adversary may hand you over to the judge (v 25).
Welcome New Members: Chellappa Pauliah, India and Annie Brock, Jacksonville, FL. Annie has a wonderful website, The Old Black Church. Be sure to check it out. She and I met a few years ago and it is good to connect with her again. Please take a moment to stop by their pages, read their bios, extend friend requests, and show them some Christian love! A friend must first show himself/herself friendly!
On Top of the LeaderBoards! Joyce Vaughn, Bertha, Chellappa Pauliah, Apostle Truth, and Carolyn McKinney
Celebrating Birthdays: Don Anderson, Chesstealia Benson, Towanda Dailey, Cheryl Johnson, PJ Brown, Sharon Tolbert, HGM. There have been quite a few birthdays recently. If we missed your birthday, forgive us. Happy Birthday from Jesus Saves Ministries.
The Prayers of the Righteous:

- Evangelist Cynthia Glen
- Therese Warrick
- Rev. Linda Moore
- Rev. Syvoskia Pope
- Maurice Jackson
- Joyce Vaughn
- Rev. Michael Lee
- Shanea Cox
- Elder Angela Y. Lee
- Ronald Wilson
- Paula Loving
- Michel Mitchell
Featured Video: Lecrae - Prayin' For You

We ask You, Lord to rebuke those pastors and preachers who are adulterating Your Word for monetary gain, and leading Your sheep astray. Protect Your flocks from wolves in sheep's clothing, we pray. May these men and women repent and return to their first love. We ask forgiveness, Father for worshipping our pastors instead of You. Keep our clergy spiritually and physically fit through higher education and wise counsel. Restore to us a prophetic church. In Jesus Name, Amen.
WLOU Radio is one of the oldest black-formatted radio stations in the nation, serving Louisville, Kentucky and Southern Indiana since 1951. It names media pioneers William E. Summers, III and John H. Johnson among former owners.
On receiving the nomination, WLOU/WLLV Radio General Manager Bill Price states, "It is a tremendous honor when you think about the number of gospel radio stations around the country, and you are narrowed down to 16 stations in all categories. It makes you feel proud for the community, and the radio station. It lets you know the hard work that you put in has been well received by others looking into and evaluating the market."
> - WDJL 1000 AM Huntsville, AL
> - WJNI 106.3 FM Charleston, SC
> - KOKA 980 AM Shreveport, LA
> - WIMG 1300 AM Trenton, NJ
> - WLOU 1350 AM Louisville, KY
> - WPRF 94.9 FM New Orleans, LA
> - WENO 760 AM Nashville, TN
> - KPZK 102.5 FM Little Rock, AR
> - WHAL 95.7FM/1460 AM Memphis, TN
> - WFMI 100.9 Va-Norfolk-Newpt, VA
> - WCAO 600 AM Baltimore, MD
> - WMBM 1490 AM Miami, FL
> - WPZE 102.5 Atlanta, GA
> - WPRS 104.1 Washington, DC
> - KJLH 102.3 FM Los Angeles, CA
> - WGRB 1390 AM Chicago, IL
> - WDJL 1000 AM Huntsville, AL
> - WJNI 106.3 FM Charleston, SC
> - KOKA 980 AM Shreveport, LA
> - WIMG 1300 AM Trenton, NJ
> - WLOU 1350 AM Louisville, KY
> - WPRF 94.9 FM New Orleans, LA
> - WENO 760 AM Nashville, TN
> - KPZK 102.5 FM Little Rock, AR
> - WHAL 95.7FM/1460 AM Memphis, TN
> - WFMI 100.9 Va-Norfolk-Newpt, VA
> - WCAO 600 AM Baltimore, MD
> - WMBM 1490 AM Miami, FL
> - WPZE 102.5 Atlanta, GA
> - WPRS 104.1 Washington, DC
> - KJLH 102.3 FM Los Angeles, CA
> - WGRB 1390 AM Chicago, IL
"I believe that Tyler Perry has a special gift in how he reaches the masses through his talent. He is able to step into the lives of others to relate to them in such a way that people don't feel that because of his status that he is above them in way." Rev. Syvoskia Pope
"What I have is God's mercy and grace. I am rich with HIS mercy and grace. The haves who are selfish and about themselves can never be rich as I am no matter what. And sometimes, the haves put on this facade while they are drowning in debt. Many try to "keep up with the Joneses", losing their souls. Mercy. With God's help, with my persistent and consistent prayer life, God always make a way for me, HE always opens a door for me, He keeps food on my table, shoes on my feet, clothes on my back. HE has even placed my feet on solid ground." Therese Warrick
"God has once again given us the joy of laughter in this next production. I feel blessed to know that God will use humor and laughter, to allow us to see ourselves from an outer circle looking in. We have so much that we have to be reminded that we don't need to complain. But bless others that don't have what we have. We are sooo rich in God!" Rev. Linda Moore
Min. Angela Lee Price
Thank you for your prayers for me and my family during our time of bereavement. God is good! He provided traveling grace to me, my husband, and to my family who traveled from New York to the wonderful homegoing celebration of my aunt Louise Smith on Monday, October 24th, Mars Hill Baptist Church, Dallas, Georgia. The pastor, Rev. Robert Bryant officiated. Mars Hill is the oldest African American church in Paulding County, Georgia. It was founded in 1866 and is 145 years old. My uncle John Smith, aunt Louise's husband was laid to rest there in August 2005.
I was blessed with the awesome assignment of delivering the eulogy. The Lord gave me a passage in the book of Romans on that super highway to heaven, the Roman Road.The message was entitled, I Shall Live And Not Die, based on Romans 10:13, "For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." I stated that there is a time to be born and a time to die, a time to weep and a time to mourn (Ecclesiates 3:1-4). Approximately 1,700 have died in the war in Afghanistan and 4,500 have died in the war in Iraq.Death happens to us all, Michael Jackson, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Dorothy Height, Osama Bin Laden, Muammar Gaddafi, and Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth who was eulogized on October 24th as well.

This is just a reminder to post your church, ministry, and public service events, and announcements on the Events Page on the Jesus Saves Social Network. Let us help you spread the word in telling people in our communities, region, the nation, and the world was great and mighty things God is doing in our churches, communities, and in our lives. Post your events before November 7th, and we will blast them out to the entire network at no charge to you. Remember, it is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus saves! Jesus Saves Ministries celebrating six years of lifting up Jesus Christ.
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