All I have is this black and white photo now, and the memories the accompany it, of a time long since past when my name once appeared in lights on the marquee of this Holiday Inn. It was in 1974, 37 years ago to be exact, when I was crowned "Miss Teen Queen," Junior Division, in a beauty pageant held in this very hotel in downtown Louisville. Joetta Thomas was crowned "Miss Teen Queen,” Senior Division, and Gayle Kelcy, her runner-up in a tightly contested competition of African American young women, mostly older than me, who were, as I saw it, poised, sophisticated, and glamorous.
"What in the world am I doing here?," I kept asking myself as the older women tried to teach me to walk, and talk, and turn on the runway. I was not nearly as poised as Joetta and the rest of the contestants. “How could I possibly win?,” I said.
But somehow, something kept edging me forward, a "Yes, you can!" spirit. It took me to that crowning moment, a moment that is forever cemented in my mind. It was the spirit of my middle school counselor, a pretty black woman, and my elementary school teachers, especially Ms. Sexton, my math teacher, who taught me and mentored me and told me I was somebody. It was the spirit of my mother, and my mother's mother before her, queens in their own right, who seriously insisted that you just didn’t leave the house dressed any kind of way.
I think about that picture when I see young girls degrading themselves and living ben

And now that I am older, I am able to look back across the pages of time and see that it was the Holy Spirit at work in my life all along, as it was in this same year, 1974, when He saved me, called me into His glorious kingdom, and truly made me a queen, a co-heir with Jesus Christ. Now, that was my crowning moment indeed!
Do not miss your crowning moment! It is a moment that will go down in history, and be written in the Lambs Book of Life. If you are not saved, repent of your sins, accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and be baptized. He promises to forgive your sins and give you eternal life (John 3:16, Acts 4:12, Romans 10:9, Acts 2:38). He will make you, a queen or a king, a royal priesthood, a co-heir in His marvelous Kingdom.

If you are saved, we invite you to share your crowning moments with us, and help us lift up Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords during Black History Month. Post your comments here, or on the Jesus Saves Social Network. We are giving away books in weekly drawings all month by and about African Americans who have help make this country great. Also, we are showcasing Louisville-area authors who want to honor God, and so they have graciously donated their recently release works to our Celebrating Black History Book Give-Away. If you are not saved, but desire a relationship with Jesus Christ, we invite you to join our network and learn more about Him.
I remember that Angela. Your name in lights. you were so excited. We were so proud of you. That's my big sister, that's my big sister. lol.