God loves you and so does Jesus Saves Ministries. Our mission is to share God’s love for the world by addressing topics of concern to the Black Church and African American community through a worldwide internet ministry, and by presenting workshops, seminars, forums, conferences, and Christian events that uplift God's Kingdom.
Also, our mission is to raise public awareness on aberrant and heretical teachings adversely affecting Christians and un-believers alike. Ephesians 4:14-16 says, "Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ" (NIV). Our slogan is "Remember, it is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves!"
In our inaugural year 2005-2006, Jesus Saves Ministries partnered with Louisville-area churches, schools, and agencies including St. Stephen Church, Simmons College of Kentucky, Cable Baptist Church, Hill Street Baptist Church, Corinthian Baptist Church, Spillman Memorial Church, Canaan Christian Church, Broadway Corridor LLC, Wesley House Community Services, Women’s Evangelical Network, Seven Counties Services, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, and WLOU Radio to present a variety of events, a church school Bible trivia contest, honorary awards dinner, honorary awards gala, Christian play, women in ministry forum, career in radio workshop, and several gospel events. Additionally, Jesus Saves Ministries conducted radio interviews with nationally-known speakers, Rev. Dr. Freddie Haynes, Tavis Smiley, and Dr. Julia Hare, Jean Claude LaMarre, Dr. Gary Gilley, local pastors, and community leaders.
On January 5, 2006, Jesus Saves Ministries launched this blog on the internet. The blog features articles by Angela Lee Price, Founder & President of Jesus Saves Ministries, and contributing writers, on topics of concern to the black church and Christian community. The blog makes it convenient for internet users to post comments to articles and sermons, link to websites, and e-mail the ministry. Articles published in Jesus Saves Ministries Newsletters are available on the blog, along with video and audio clips, links to other websites, and great research.
Jesus Saves Ministries thanks Rev. Syvoskia Bray, President & CEO, Women's Evangelical Network; Rev. Michael Lee, Associate Minister & Sunday School Superintendent, Joshua Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church; Rev. Vincent Bland, Artist N Residence, St. Stephen Church; Dr. Renee Campbell Mapp, President & CEO, Wesley House Community Services; and Raoul Cunningham, President, Louisville Chapter NAACP for contributing articles to the Jesus Saves Newsletter and this blog during our inaugural year.
For information on scheduling Jesus Saves Ministries for your next event, subscribing to the monthly newsletter, or to be added to the weekly e-distribution, please write the ministry at P.O. Box 1284, Louisville, KY 40201, call 502-495-0902, or e-mail Angela Lee Price at aleeprice@bellsouth.net.
Remember, it is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus saves!
my name is Fernando Isom and would like to know how can I do community service for you I would like to do it in an outreach program my contact number is 720-542-9981 or email me at f.isom@aol.com