By: Min. Angela Lee Price

Below is an excerpt from the transcript of my WLOU interview with Rev. Dr. Freddie Haynes, Sr. Pastor, Friendship-West Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas. Dr. Haynes spoke with me by phone on Wednesday, September 27th live from Dallas just after speaking in Louisville at the St. Stephen Church Fall Revival Tuesday evening, September 26, 2006.
Two questions on the Jesus Saves Ministries' Survey of the Black Church were asked of Dr. Haynes: 1) Is there a schism in the Black Church between proponents of the prosperity gospel and the social justice gospel?; 2) Has the Black Church lost her prophetic voice? Here are Dr. Haynes answers.
Angela: Is the church divided today? There is a lot of what I call “hocus pocus” preaching, and my pastor talks about it a lot. Is there a division between those preachers preaching a prosperity gospel and those who are concerned about social justice, helping the poor and the needy?
Dr. Haynes: I think this is something that is not new because you have always had within the church those who have taken different approaches to ministry. With the prosperity gospel, you had Rev. Ike back in the day, Father Divine as oppose to a Martin Luther King, Jr. and an Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. So, this is really nothing new, but it represents, again, the reality that there are different approaches to ministry, different philosophical approaches to ministry. Some, shamefully, even sinfully, do not deal with the harsh realities that our people are facing. So, those of us who have more of a social conscious, prophetic witness, in our gospel ministry, there is a concern on our part that we have a lot of people who are being pimped by this “prosperity gospel” whereby you’re simply saying to people, “Money cometh to me.” Well, money cannot cometh if I can’t get a “jobth” because of racism.
Angela: Say that!
Dr. Haynes: So, until you deal the social realities that the people in the pews are facing when they leave church, then basically, your prosperity gospel is basically a hocus pocus gospel, as you just said. It makes people feel real good for the moment, but as soon as church is over they’ve got to go face those harsh realities that have not been addressed by that hocus pocus homiletic.
Angela: You’ve hit the nail right on the head. That is why our people are spiritually bankrupt.
Dr. Haynes: There is no question. We have divorced our social reality from the spiritual power and the anointing that everybody is jumping on now. Everybody’s talking about the anointing, the anointing! Well, when I read Scripture, Jesus said the Spirit of the God Lord is upon me because He has anointed me, watch this, to preach Good News to the poor, to set the captives free, to heal those who are heartbroken, proclaim the year of economic justice and empowerment. Listen, the anointing was not about you getting some personal car. The anointing was about dealing with social issues, overcoming oppression, and so, whenever you hear somebody talking about the anointing this, the anointing that, if it does not connect to the social realities that people are facing in terms of overcoming oppression, then that anointing is a pseudo anointing, and they are just playing games with the gospel.
Angela: Let’s talk for a minute about being prophetic in the pulpit. Has the church lost her prophetic voice today?
Dr. Haynes: I wouldn’t say it’s lost. I would say that, unfortunately, it’s been muted. Some of the muting is self-inflicted in that some of our gospel preachers are so close to Caesar in Washington, D.C. because they are being funded by Caesar that they cannot challenge Caesar. Then, we have pockets of the prophetic witness. Right there in Louisville, Kentucky, you have Dr. Kevin Cosby. You have persons around the country, Dr. Jeremiah Wright, Pastor Jeffrey Johnson, and so many others who, again, have not divorced the social content of the gospel from their spiritual witness. So, you have pockets here and there, but in too many instances, again, this social witness has been muted.
Angela: I am looking here at an article, No Social Justice, No Spiritual Peace. It references the conference that you had at your church, The National Conference and Revival for Social Justice in the Black Church. It was a two-day conference. Rev. Al Sharpton was in the house. He was here recently for the General Association of Baptist in Kentucky Convention. Referring to Rev. Sharpton’s comment at your church, President Cosby quoted this particular line in the article, “People who are in shackles don’t need people to anoint their shackles.”
Dr. Haynes: The sad reality is that the shackles are manifest in desperate way our public school system is funded. Our children are going to schools that are overcrowded, with under qualified teachers, lack of resources that schools in other districts are blessed to have. The anointing of those shackles is in deed a farce. It’s a sad commentary on where we are now as relates to ministry. You cannot talk about anointing if in my community we are experiencing economic dysfunction, economic apartheid, the redlining of our communities so that we do not have economic development. All of that is going on, and a lot of these churches who are shouting about the anointing, and the shackles are right there, but, again, that oil ain’t releasing me from those shackles.

Below is an excerpt from the transcript of my WLOU interview with Rev. Dr. Freddie Haynes, Sr. Pastor, Friendship-West Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas. Dr. Haynes spoke with me by phone on Wednesday, September 27th live from Dallas just after speaking in Louisville at the St. Stephen Church Fall Revival Tuesday evening, September 26, 2006.
Two questions on the Jesus Saves Ministries' Survey of the Black Church were asked of Dr. Haynes: 1) Is there a schism in the Black Church between proponents of the prosperity gospel and the social justice gospel?; 2) Has the Black Church lost her prophetic voice? Here are Dr. Haynes answers.
Angela: Is the church divided today? There is a lot of what I call “hocus pocus” preaching, and my pastor talks about it a lot. Is there a division between those preachers preaching a prosperity gospel and those who are concerned about social justice, helping the poor and the needy?
Dr. Haynes: I think this is something that is not new because you have always had within the church those who have taken different approaches to ministry. With the prosperity gospel, you had Rev. Ike back in the day, Father Divine as oppose to a Martin Luther King, Jr. and an Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. So, this is really nothing new, but it represents, again, the reality that there are different approaches to ministry, different philosophical approaches to ministry. Some, shamefully, even sinfully, do not deal with the harsh realities that our people are facing. So, those of us who have more of a social conscious, prophetic witness, in our gospel ministry, there is a concern on our part that we have a lot of people who are being pimped by this “prosperity gospel” whereby you’re simply saying to people, “Money cometh to me.” Well, money cannot cometh if I can’t get a “jobth” because of racism.
Angela: Say that!
Dr. Haynes: So, until you deal the social realities that the people in the pews are facing when they leave church, then basically, your prosperity gospel is basically a hocus pocus gospel, as you just said. It makes people feel real good for the moment, but as soon as church is over they’ve got to go face those harsh realities that have not been addressed by that hocus pocus homiletic.
Angela: You’ve hit the nail right on the head. That is why our people are spiritually bankrupt.
Dr. Haynes: There is no question. We have divorced our social reality from the spiritual power and the anointing that everybody is jumping on now. Everybody’s talking about the anointing, the anointing! Well, when I read Scripture, Jesus said the Spirit of the God Lord is upon me because He has anointed me, watch this, to preach Good News to the poor, to set the captives free, to heal those who are heartbroken, proclaim the year of economic justice and empowerment. Listen, the anointing was not about you getting some personal car. The anointing was about dealing with social issues, overcoming oppression, and so, whenever you hear somebody talking about the anointing this, the anointing that, if it does not connect to the social realities that people are facing in terms of overcoming oppression, then that anointing is a pseudo anointing, and they are just playing games with the gospel.
Angela: Let’s talk for a minute about being prophetic in the pulpit. Has the church lost her prophetic voice today?
Dr. Haynes: I wouldn’t say it’s lost. I would say that, unfortunately, it’s been muted. Some of the muting is self-inflicted in that some of our gospel preachers are so close to Caesar in Washington, D.C. because they are being funded by Caesar that they cannot challenge Caesar. Then, we have pockets of the prophetic witness. Right there in Louisville, Kentucky, you have Dr. Kevin Cosby. You have persons around the country, Dr. Jeremiah Wright, Pastor Jeffrey Johnson, and so many others who, again, have not divorced the social content of the gospel from their spiritual witness. So, you have pockets here and there, but in too many instances, again, this social witness has been muted.
Angela: I am looking here at an article, No Social Justice, No Spiritual Peace. It references the conference that you had at your church, The National Conference and Revival for Social Justice in the Black Church. It was a two-day conference. Rev. Al Sharpton was in the house. He was here recently for the General Association of Baptist in Kentucky Convention. Referring to Rev. Sharpton’s comment at your church, President Cosby quoted this particular line in the article, “People who are in shackles don’t need people to anoint their shackles.”
Dr. Haynes: The sad reality is that the shackles are manifest in desperate way our public school system is funded. Our children are going to schools that are overcrowded, with under qualified teachers, lack of resources that schools in other districts are blessed to have. The anointing of those shackles is in deed a farce. It’s a sad commentary on where we are now as relates to ministry. You cannot talk about anointing if in my community we are experiencing economic dysfunction, economic apartheid, the redlining of our communities so that we do not have economic development. All of that is going on, and a lot of these churches who are shouting about the anointing, and the shackles are right there, but, again, that oil ain’t releasing me from those shackles.
Be sure to read this related article Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson Critique Mega Churches, Let the Preachers' War Begin.
Be sure to read this related article Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson Critique Mega Churches, Let the Preachers' War Begin.
Remember, it is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus saves!
Angela, I enjoyed reading the the interview with Rev. Haynes. I also enjoyed reading the article introducing the mind-sets of the different social advocates that are spead out in these United States.
ReplyDeleteSocial awareness is so important to the Christian plight. Jesus was/is concerned about the concerns of the "people". He sought out ways and means to help them overcome those obtacles that prevented an individual from continuing to walk in sin. Jesus also provided wise counsel because he cared for the well being of others. Jesus desire is for us to succeed emotionally, socially, and mentally. Once we establish solid bearings then we will succeed financially because we will be more focused.
Rev. Jackson said something that was immensely significant "'s not hard being a pimp...its hard [earning] a college degree...MBA...[completing] law school..." Once our race understands these key principles he/she will better understand the importance of what our ancestors fought for. We all know that freedom is not free - so until those who are negligent in fostering healthy emotional, social, and mental balances African American will continue to see themselves as down trodden and looked over. Pursuing those degrees, seeking continued education, and surrounding oneself in postive environments is our fuel for educating those that wil not only come after us, but those that who are yet here and lost. Minister Price thank you for all that you do. Sherre C. Culbreath
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comments. Dr. Freddie Haynes spoke, delivering a powerful word from the Lord, at the Simmons College of Kentucky first Urban Upgrade Church Growth and Leadership Conference held at the Marriott Hotel in downtown Louisville November 11-13, 2007.
Whenever I hear Dr. Haynes speak, I am reminded of the love of God for people of color. Dr. Haynes' message Tuesday night was profound and stressed the importance of the role of education in uplifting our people. I am glad our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has given him, and men and women of God like him, the mental acumen, desire, and backbone to speak truth to power in the 21st century. If ever we've needed it, we, as our ancestors use to say, "sho do need it now."
I was able to speak with Dr. Haynes briefly after his message that Tuesday night. He remembered our radio conversation last year as I showed him the Jesus Saves Newsletter in which it appeared. I am grateful he took the time to speak with me on air. I believe it is important for us to get to know what preachers think about about the Word of God and issues affecting our people. You can't always get that from a 30-minute sermon, and too many preachers nowadays, as Freddie Haynes said in my interview with him, are playing games with the gospel.
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1.We believe in the Holy Scriptures as originally given by God to be divinely inspired, infallible without error and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct. (2 Timothy 3:16; Peter 1:21: Matthew 24:35; Psalm 119:105).
2.We believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, His sinless human life, His divine miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension, His mediatorial work, and His personal return in power and glory. (Colossians 2:9, Isaiah 7:14; Hebrews 4:15; Acts 2:22; 1 Peter 1:3/3:18; Mark 16:19; 1 Timothy 2:5; Luke 21:27)
3. We believe that, because of sin, the entire human race is lost and that lost, sinful men can only be saved through the atoning death, shed blood, and resurrection of the Lord through the regeneration of the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:8; 1 Peter 1:19-20; Romans 10:9; Ephesians 2:9; Titus 3:5).
4.We believe in the person of the Holy Spirit whose ministry is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ to convict the world of sin and to regenerate the sinner upon believing in Christ and to indwell the believer sanctifying him through the truth and enabling him to live a holy life and to witness and work for the Lord Jesus Christ (John 6:63/16:8, 13, 14; 1 John 5:1; Romans 8:9; 1 Peter 1:2; Acts 1:8).
5. We believe that the church is composed of all such persons who through saving faith in Jesus Christ, having been regenerated by the Holy Spirit, are spiritually united in the body of Christ, of which he is the head (Acts 2:47; 1 Corinthians 12:24/27; Colossians 1:18).
6. We believe in the bodily resurrection of all the dead of the believers to everlasting blessedness and joy with the Lord and of the unbelievers to judgment and everlasting conscious punishment. (John 5:28/29; 1 Thessalonians 4:16/17; Revelation 20:11-15).
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