By: Angela Lee Price
I felt like the lone voice in Louisville crying in the wildnerness concerning Color of the Cross, the first epic movie to depict Jesus as a black man, so I contacted Nu-Lite Entertainment to learn more about the movie. Color of the Cross stars director Jean-Claude LaMarre (left) as Jesus and will open in select markets next Friday, October 27th at these locations. The movie opens nationwide, including in the Louisville area, on November 10th.

Nu-Lite Entertainment Spokesperson, Gail Gipson suggests that people interested in seeing Color of the Cross may need to contact movie theatres and request that the movie be shown. That is how New-Lite has been able to get it shown in some theatres. Commercials for the movie are running on BET and other cable networks. An article on Color of the Cross (below) is in the October 30th edition of Jet Magazine (with Tyra Banks on the cover) on page 59.
I am working on a radio interview with either Color of the Cross director and star Jean-Claude LaMarre, photo left above with Debbie Morgan who plays Mary, or Gail Gipson. If you have questions you'd like to ask Jesus, please send them to me, and I will do my best to get Him on the line (smile). Seriously, if you have questions you'd like answered, send them to me, and I will put them on my list.
Remember, it is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus saves!
Remember, it is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus saves!
Jesus is going to be on the mainline on Saturday, November 4th at 12:00 Noon on WLOU, Louisville's Praise and Worship Station! Help me call Him up and tell Him what we want to know about the production, directing, content, cast, the making of Color of the Cross by sending me your questions by November 3rd!