Friday, August 05, 2016

Prayer for Successful School Year

We're praying for our kids as they begin a new school year. 

Dear Lord,

Children are our greatest treasure.  We thank you for the awesome responsibility to rear, train up, and educate our children. We thank you for the privilege to carry eveything to you in prayer, particularly the welfare of the next generation. 

Father, bless and protect our children this school year, we pray.  Keep them from all hurt, harm, and danger. As they travel to and from school, anoint the school bus drivers to transport their precious cargo safety.  In the classroom,  provide them with all that they will need to complete their assignments.  Give them the best teachers, educators, and administrators possible, people who will go the extra mile to ensure a quality education for our kids.  Put parents, teachers, and mentors on one accord to achieve successful outcome for our kids. 

Father God, Please close reading gaps, and math gaps, the economic gap and any other gaps that have our kids lagging behind.  Work in the lives of parents, and single parents so that they are able to spend quality time, and quantity time with their kids reviewing and helping with homework. 

We pray also for the spiritual welfare of our kids.  Please save many in this new school year, allowing them to walk with You, oh Lord, at early ages.  And may they grow to give you the praise, honor and glory for every good and perfect gift, including the gift of a quality education, college education, and post secondary education.  By your Holy Spirit who is our comforter, teacher, and guide, and in the name of your precious Son Jesus we pray, Amen!!!

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