
Thursday, June 09, 2011

Open House Happenings On the Jesus Saves Social Network!

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"Go out into the country lanes and behind the hedges and urge anyone you find to come, so that the house will be full" Luke 14:24.
The Jesus Saves Social Network has a new look. We've added new content, too! See what you've been missing and tell a friend what great and marvelous things God is doing through this online ministry!
All New Members Receive Gifts including T-shirts, Gospel Music and Books!

Current members receive
Gifts daily in random drawings nightly at 7:00 PM when you participate by:
1. Updating profile pages
2. Commenting in "What Brings You Here?" status on profile page.

3. Extending friend requests
4. Uploading video or pictures
5. Commenting on discussions/Starting discussions
6. Joining a group and commenting
7. Celebrating birthdays in June
8. Being the right person at the right time with answers to Bible questions.

9. Contributing with small donation to this ministry.
10. Referring a new member to this network.
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Thursday's Winners:
Thursday Is Event Day! Current members who post events can select one gift each from the Gift List today! Phyllis Webb is our first winner today. Post events now and post your gift selection to bottom of Gift List. Leave mailing address in Angela Price's inbox.

Wednesday's Winners:
New member Tyler Anderson (Louisville, KY) and Pastor Gloria Barbee (Louisville, KY). Both answers the instant-win Bible questions, Where do we find in the Bible no weapon formed against you shall proper and grater is He who is within me than he who is in the world. isaiah 54:17 and 1 John 4:4. Tyler selected Beverly Crawford's CD, Live From Los Angeles, Vol 2. Pastor Beverly received Blessings of the Resurrection and The Power of Praying Through The Bible.

Tuesday's Winners:
Dontae Wilkes (Louisville, KY) and Angela (Cleveland, OH) are Tuesday's winners in our random drawing! Congrats! Angela selected "Sanctify, Live Forever" T-shirt. Dontae, please select gift.

Also, congrats to Rev Kathy Goodwin (Louisville, KY), winner of book, The Power of Praying Through the Bible, by Stormie Omartian.
Attention Prayers of the Righteous members! We have several copies of The Power of Praying Through the Bible. If you'd like a copy, request it now. Place your name on the Gift List!

Monday's Winners:
Carolyn McKinney and Kathy Lawrie (Birthday). Ladies, please select a gift.
Andrea Bailey was the first person to answer status question (which also appears on our
facebook page), Where in the Bible do we find the promise, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you?" Her answer, Hebrews 13:5. It is also in last Sunday's Sunday school lesson (UMI), Joshua 1:5. She receive a "Jesus Saves" t-shirt.

New Members:
Adrian Sims, Michele Seewright, Xavier Brown and Damita Scott! Indiate your gift selection at bottom of
Gift List.______________________________________________________________________
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What Members Are Saying:
Listen to
brief interviews with members Elayne Marchbanks, Karen O'Bannon, LaQuita Gaskins and Joyce Vaughn.

Therese Warrick (Lexington, KY): "I have been blessed richly ever since I have become a part of this ministry. Jesus Saves Ministries is uplifting and encouraging. Rev. Price and the members of this ministry have provided me with constant feeding of spiritual food as I journey on my road to freedom, that is, the road to life! I pray God's continued blessings and anointment over this ministry and over the life of Rev. Angela Lee Price."

Maurice Jackson (Kansas, MO): "Hey, Everybody! Stopping by to say hello! Continue to lift up the name of Jesus. He is soon to come back for a church without spot, wrinkle or blemish."

Check Out Latest Blog Posts:

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Thank you for all the ways you share in this ministry. Pray for us and Invite someone to join this week. Remember, Jesus saves!

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