
Monday, June 06, 2011

Black Males: Don't Talk About Them, Pray About Them!

Your prayers are needed now more than at any time this year. Please stand with me in agreement to remain committed to lifting up each other as we travail together in faith before the Lord for the lost, hurting, and displaced people in our families, churches, and communities.

While we remain encouraged by the Word of God no matter the situation, there are too many people who aren't getting the sustenance they need to make it through these difficult times. We must travail for them.
Just last week, I posted a blog that said unemployment among young black malesnationally is the highest its been in 40 years. The economy may be doing better in some respects, but young black males are suffering the hardest. Agree with me to talk to God about this issue. I see 20-something males every day who are trying to turn their lives around. Let's not talk about them, but pray about them. They need the grace, mercy, and love, second and thirds chances, too, that Jesus Christ offers to each of us. The need mentors and guardian angels to show them the way.  Prayer changes things.

In hearing and reading current news stories, we understand that members of this network are not immune from economic hard times, and hardships either. The bible tells in John 16:33, "...In this world you will have trouble." . In fact, Christians will suffer just as Jesus suffered for the gospel's sake. So we must travail in prayer not only for other people, but for one another.

Each day this month, place the name of one person on our prayer list who we can all pray for. Once a week this month, post a prayer in our prayer group, The Prayers of the Righteous. Let us together, through our participation in faith, encourage each other as we stand in the gap for the needs of "least of these" -- the lost, the unemployed, underemployed, the homeless, those in crisis circumstances -- the sick, shut-in, hospitalized, as well as our own families, pastors, churches, ministries and communities.

Remember, the prayers of the righteous availeth much!
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