
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Thanks for Supporting Jesus Saves Blessings In A Basket Missions Initiative!

Thank you Jesus Saves Ministrries supporters for helping us fulfill our Matthews 25:35-40 mandate to care for "the least of these." Jesus Saves Ministries began distributing Blessings In A Basket toiletries baskets to homeless and less fortunate citizens in the Louisville and Southern Indiana communities on November 14th.

A total of 25 Blessings In A Baskets were delivered to the following locations in the Louisville and Southern Indiana areas:

  1. Rhonda's Another Chance Transitional Home for Women;
  2. Wayside Christian Mission's Mens' and Womens' Homeless Shelters;
  3. The House of Hope Transitonal Home for Women;
  4. Dosker Manor Housing Complex for low-income and disabled adults;
  5. Lincoln Hills Health Center nursing home in New Albany, IN;
  6. A homeless male on the street.

Homeless overnighters Shannon Goode of Louisville (left), Scott Joiner of Indianapolis, and Gene Jenkins of Cincinnati each received a "Blessings" basket at the Wayside Christian Mission's Men's Shelter on Saturday, December 19th. Four female overnighters received baskets as well.

Ramona Wilson with The House of Hope and three Hope residents received "Blessings" baskets on December 12th. The House of Hope is a recovery-based transitional home for women located in Louisville's California community.

Dosker Manor six-year resident Ema White and 10-year resident Rudy Jeanes received “Blessings” baskets after worship service on Sunday, December 13th. Dosker Manor is Louisville housing complex for low income and disabled adults. Two Dosker Manor residents were the first to receive baskets on November 14th.

Jesus Saves Ministries "Blessings" baskets included a variety of toiletries, (some with hoodie t-shirts,) a New Testament Bible, a Memory Cross Card explaining the "A,B,Cs" to salvation, a Jesus Saves brochure and a Christian gift.
Thanks again for helping us share the love of Jesus Christ with Blessings In A Basket!

Lifting you up in a down economy, we are Jesus Saves Ministries!

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