
Friday, December 18, 2009

Receive a FREE Book: Join The Jesus Saves Social Network This Weekend

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The following books are available when you join The Least of These group this weekend on the Jesus Saves Ministries Social Network:

Add the book that inspired the movie starring Will Smith, The Pursuit of Happyness to your book collection as our Christmas gift to you! The Pursuit of Happyness is the story of Chris Gardner and his son's journey from homelessness to prosperity.
"Motivated by the promise he made to himself as a fatherless child to never abandon his own children, the two spent almost a year moving among shelters, 'HO-tels,' soup lines, and even sleeping in the public restroom of a subway station.

Never giving in to despair, Garner made an astonishing transformation from being part of the city's invisible poor to being a poweful player in its financial district." -- The Pursuit of Happyness.

"Real, exciting, courageous. This story is universal and just might provide us with a new understanding of the widening gap between the haves and the have-nots. A page-turner, The Pursuit of Happyness will keep you up at night." - Reverend Cecil Williams, Glide United Methodist Church
Add Walter Mosley's book, Workin' on the Chain Gang, Shaking Off the Dead Hand of History to your book collection as our Christmas gift to you!

Author Walter Mosley writes in book written in 2000, " Far from being a cause for celebration, the millennium, Mosley argues fiercely,l should have been the occasion for a frank reckoning with the real state of our society. We have the power to end starvation, but one-third of our children live in poverty. Our politics have degnerated into a multimillion-dollar game show ruled by two indistringuishable monopolies.

We drug ourselves with television, sports, sex, apathy, and obsession with celebrity, while our cities rot and violence erupts in our schools....but each one of us can work toward breaking off these chains. First by recongizing the truth of our history--a history that is crucially informed by the black experience...."

We have added several books on the Main Page right side bar of the Jesus Saves Social Network. They are available to new members this weekend. Bless a church member, friend or relative with a FREE Christmas gift! Invite them to become a member of the Jesus Saves Ministries Social Network today!

These books are available to new members this weekend:

The Start of An Uncommon Life, by Tony Dungy

Victory In Jesus, by Rev. E.V. Hill

A Bound Man, by Shelby Steele

Sassay, Single & Satisfied: Secrets to Loving the Life You're Living, by Michelle McKinney Hammond

Thank you so much for your prayers and support of this ministry! Merry Christmas from Jesus Saves Ministries!

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