
Saturday, August 01, 2009

The Original Preachin' Gangsta, Marjoe The Atheist

Speaking of speaking in tongues, slaying people in the spirit, and prophesying, Marjoe Gortner says in this video,

"If you're going to get into big-time religion, these are the games you gotta play."
This video is must-see material for all who are concerned with protecting the sheep.

Abbreviated Video Description from

In the 1950's he was known as the youngest ordained minister in the world (officially ordained at just 4 years old). As he grew to manhood, he traveled doing tent revivals, preaching, prophecying and working miracles... but the amazing truth was - Marjoe was a fraud! In fact, he claimed to be an atheist! His general view of "the ministry" was that it was no different than the entertainment business.

In 1972 Marjoe decided to get out of the "ministry" but took one last ride on the tent revival trail... this time with a band of camera men and he exposed his own charade! His self-created documentary ( titled "Marjoe") was made into a feature film and shown all over. Below is a 9 minute clip of him in action, both as a child and as an adult (the file is in Windows Media format).

Today Marjoe is an actor and also a public speaker for social causes he cares about. Foremost among those causes is informing the public about some of the rhetorical techniques that are being used to manipulate their thoughts and emotions. He is still not a Christian, but he visits about 20 colleges a year teaching them how "faith-healers" do their "tricks". People actually still "fall down under the power" in his lectures as he demonstrates how the masters of religion work their "magic."

Remember, it is not Mohmmad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Ages that saves. Jesus saves!

Post your comments to this video below.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing,but not surprising, this is happening all over the world. Sheep in wolves clothing, the blind leading the blind, getting rich off JESUS. But thank GOD, he is not fooled. He Knows who his shepherds are, and the sheep hear only the shepherds voice. If you are bless to have the spirit of GOD abiding in you, you'll be able to discern the wheat from the tares. Praise GOD.


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