
Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Jesus Saves Celebrates 4th Anniversary with Book Signing Tour, Scholarship

Min. Angela Lee Price
This month, Jesus Saves Ministries is celebrating four years of service to God, the Black Church, and our online communities.

As part of the anniversary celebration, we are awarding an academic scholarship to Simmons College of Kentucky student Rev. Eileen Little. We bless God for Rev. Little’s scholarly pursuit of Christianity. She has at least a 3.5 overall gpa and is scheduled to graduate with a Bachelor degree in Religious Studies in 2010. I completed a second Bachelor of Theology degree in 2008 due largely to private contributions by way of scholarships. Now, we are simply trying to "pour oil" as the widow did in 2 Kings 4, and do for someone else what was done for me as the HBCU works toward accreditation in February 2010.

We set out in early May on a book signing tour of the Jesus Saves Newsletter Historical Journal and its companion booklet, The Net Christian Supplement. The tour began at Simmons College chapel services held at St. Stephen Church. We made stops to the school’s commencement exercises, the D.I.V.A. Society Networking Tea, Better Days West Records, and the Those Preachin’ Women Conference.
On Saturday, July 31st, I was at Better Days Records on the westside of Louisville where I met Tyra Jones (above), Micheal Wade and Audrey Sharber (left), and little Tre'veon Choate (below). We plan additional stops to New Mt. Zion Baptist Church C.R.U.N.K.Fest, the Kentucky and Southern Indiana Stroke Association's Annual Extravaganza Tasting Event honoring my husband, Bill Price on August 25th, and the Thriller Love Jam and Family Fun Day featuring gospel recording artist Karen Clark Sheard on August 29th.

Our journals, The Jesus Saves Newsletter Historical Journal and The Net Christian E-Newsletter Supplement are designed to lift up Jesus Christ from an African American perspective and demonstrate the power and relevancy of the Cross in the 21st century. They contain sermons, articles, testimonies, devotionals, prayers, one-on-one interviews and ministry initiatives. Simmons College of Kentucky is prominently featured, as well as St. Stephen Church and WLOU Radio.

Jesus Saves Ministries plans giveaways weekly on the social network and at various events to include Bibles, t-shirts, caps, and gospel music, journals, tickets all as part of our fourth anniversary celebration.

On August 12, 2005, the Lord placed it on my heart to found Jesus Saves Ministries, to begin publishing the Jesus Saves Newsletter, and to create the Jesus Saves Ministries Blog. Last August, we launched the Jesus Saves Ministries Social Network. This year, we introduced our radio show, Jesus Saves Ministries Live.

We thank God and our subscribers for continued prayers and support. I also want to thank Alayna Middleton and Mattie Jones who have accompanied me on book signings.

Find more photos like this on Jesus Saves Ministries

Remember, it is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus saves!

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