
Friday, January 11, 2008

We've Got Mail From Blogger Sherre Culbreath

By: Sherre Culbreath

Angela, I enjoyed reading the interview Rev. Dr. Freddie Haynes Takes Survey On Black Church you conducted with Rev. Haynes. I also enjoyed reading the article introducing the mind-sets of the different social advocates that are spread out in these United States.

In my opinion, "social awareness" is so important to the Christian plight. Jesus was and is still concerned about the cares of His "people". He sought out ways and means to help them overcome those obstacles that prevent them from continuing to walk in sin. Jesus also provided wise counsel because he cared for the well being of others. His desire is for us to succeed emotionally, socially, mentally, and spiritually. Once we develop the aforementioned areas of our life then we will be more prepared to succeed financially because we will be more focused.

Rev. Jackson said something that was immensely significant "'s not hard being a pimp...its hard [earning] a college degree...MBA...[completing] law school..." As an African American woman, I am persuaded that we as a culture will better understand the importance of what our ancestors fought for if we embrace and nurture the realization that our overall well-being is a key principle to our outlook on life, our growth, and development. We all know that freedom is not free. It is for this very reason that negligent African American men & women need to work harder to foster a healthy emotional, social, mental, and spiritual balance. As African American men/women continue to conform to the depictions ascribed by others, and see themselves as victims they will continue to see themselves as down trodden and looked over.

It takes a "real" man or woman--a man or women concerned for the upward progression of his/her family to pursue a degree (AS, BA, MA, PhD), seek alternative forms of continued education (trade or vocational school), and/or surround oneself in positive environments. A well-learned African American man/woman is the fuel that educates those that not only comes after them, but those who are yet here and lost. Minister Price thank you for all that you do to keep our community and culture informed.

Sherre C. Culbreath

Remember, it is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus Saves!

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