Monday, December 29, 2014
Jesus Saves Ministries Delivers Turkey and Toiletries Baskets at Christmas
Saturday, December 27, 2014
The Real Meaning of Christmas
"And the angel said unto them, Fear not: I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. 12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, 14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men" (Luke 2:10-14).
What is the real meaning of Christmas? It depends on who you ask. For many in society, Christmas is just another holiday or another season to make money. Christmas means jolly ol' Saint Nick is on his way to find out whose been naughty and whose been nice; that the halls are decked with bales of holly, lights, trees, and and shiny things.
For some, Christmas means family and foods from festive recipes loaded with sugar, spice and everything nice. Christmas to the sports fan can mean its the season for basketball and football - games galore, college rivalries, bowl games, NBA and so much more.
For others though, Christmas means not gladness but sadness, worries and stress about mounting bills, which gifts to get and which gifts to give. It is the most dreaded time of the year. It is sad when gift-getting and gift-giving overshadow our greatest Gift, Jesus the baby in a manger, wrapped in swaddling clothing, when Christmas is lost.
The real meaning of Christmas, though, can be found in Scripture in the greeting the angel(s) gave the shepherds the night Jesus was born (Luke 2:10-14).
The real meaning of Christmas is...
1) That God loves man: “Fear not” (v10); (See also John 3:16 and 2 Timothy 1:7)
2) That God’s love is manifested” “For, Behold,” (v10); (See also 1 John 3:1)
3) That God showed His mercy before man sought it” “I bring,” (v10); (See also Romans 5:6-8)
4) That good tidings and joy are for every individual: “you,” (v10); (See also Acts 13:32)
5) That God is no respecter of persons: “to all people,” (v10); (See also Isaiah 52::10 and Romans 2:11)
6) That salvation from sin is within reach of everyone (v11). (See also Acts 4:12)
7) That God wants man to enjoy peace on earth, and good will among men (v 14) (See also John 14:27).
Happy New Year from Jesus Saves Ministries, Louisvillle
Celebrating 12 Years of Lifting Up Jesus Christ!
Friday, December 19, 2014
In the Presence of the Lord There Is Fullness of Joy
Friday, December 12, 2014
Happenings On the Jesus Saves Social Network - December 12th
Join Min. Angela Price Live On Location
If you are looking for a guest speaker, or emcee for your event, contact Min. Angela Lee Price at, or call 502-415-1001. Click the About Jesus Saves TAB at the top of your page to learn more about this ministry and The Life Conference Suite.
Remember, it is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus saves! Jesus Saves Ministries celebrating nine years of lifting up Jesus Christ.
"But I, when I am lifted up will draw all men to myself" John 12:32.
Let Them Eat Cake!
Melvina Garcia
Myra Marshall Brame
Shonda Deon 'ja Gerald
LaQuita Gaskins
Here are comments from three recipients:To Whom It May Concern: Jesus Saves Ministries has proven once again that people are what they are all about. I was looking at not having a nice dinner, but because of people like them, and all of the generous donors, my family has received from the Lord both natural nourishment in the form of this food basket and spiritual nourishment in love and enouragment that we we have received, and we are extremely appreciative. God bless you all and Happy Thanksgiving - Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Keith Goatley. (More)
Tuesday, December 09, 2014
West Louisville Boys and Girls Choir Christmas Concert
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Jesus Saves Ministries Partners to Feed Seven Families at Thanksgiving
Here is feedback from three recipients:
After delivering a basket and turkey, Rev. Michael Lee posted on Facebook:
"Thank you, thank you" is what was said to my wife and I as we delivered the Thanksgiving basket from Jesus Saves Ministries and a turkey donated by Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Theta Omega Chapter, to a mother and her three little children. Thanks to all who contributed to this worthy cause.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
A Prayer for Our School Children - October 29th
A Prayer for Our Children - October 29th
By: Joyce Vaughn, Stephen Church, Louisville, KY
Dear Heavenly Father, We come to you today and ask for forgiveness of all our sins, even the ones we were unaware that we committed. Most of all Lord we want to thank you, thank you for past blessings, present blessings and future blessings.
Lord as parents, let us abide by Your words in Matthew 19:14, "Jesus said, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these." We have the responsibility to teach and bring up our children to worship and believe in You. We ask that we be childlike in our love and trust of You. We ask Lord that You will continually bless them, keep them, free them from bullying and harm, free them from promiscuity, free them from harmful influence, and free them from drugs and alcohol. We ask that they turn to You when they are suffering and struggling, and that they will always put You first. In the blessed name of your son, Jesus Christ. AMEN!
Here is a short prayer I give to some of my grandchildren and young cousins: WASH YOUR HANDS AND SAY YOUR PRAYERS. BECAUSE GERMS AND JESUS ARE EVERYWHERE.
Friday, October 24, 2014
Prayer to End Sexual Promiscuity and Abortion
A Prayer to End Sexual Promiscuity and Abortion - October 24th
By: Therese Warrick, Women's Road to Freedom, Inc., Lexington, KY
Most loving and gracious FATHER: I come to you humbly as I know how on behalf of teen girls and teen moms, ladies and women, boys and men who are living in sexual promiscuity. Father, we know that sex and all those sexual desires outside of marriage are only temporary “feel good” fixes because as Your Word says in 1 John 2:17, “For we know that the world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.” (NIV) Father, In the name of Jesus, for that teen girl or woman contemplating abortion as her only option; in the name of Jesus, for those parents who are taking their children to abortion clinics; in the name of Jesus, for that woman who aborted for the sake of a man. Lord, please shower down Your mercy on the doctors, nurses and midwives who are performing abortions.
Father, we need YOU like never before. Help us Father to stand for purity and abstinence. Father, give us strength to just say no and to wait on You for that man or that woman that You have prepared for us in holy matrimony. Lord, please chip away the hardening from around our hearts and minds so we can hear and obey the true and loving Counselor that You have left with us. Galatians 5:16-17 admonish, “…walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.” (NIV) Father, You delivered Rahab, the prostitute, David, the adulterer, the Samaritan woman, and so many others. It was not so long ago that You delivered me too, so, I am throwing myself once again at Your feet of mercy. In the name of Jesus, please convict us in our hearts and in our minds and destroy everything that which is keeping us from living in Your holiness. I pray all these in the merciful name of Jesus the Christ. Amen.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
A Prayer for Single Parents - October 23rd
A Prayer for Single Parents - October 23rd
By: Leazer Jones, Graphically Speaking... Creations of Thought, Columbia, MD
We come to You as humbly as we know how, thanking You for being our Sovereign God, who sees and knows all! We realize that You have made us in Your image, for Your purpose and glory, and we praise You for loving us, and leading our footsteps. Your Word tells us that we should train up a child in the way they should go, and when they get old the will not depart from it. Your Word is quick, powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, and everything that You speak gives life to us. We ask in the name of Jesus that you continue to lead all single parents to follow what You say, regardless to society's standards. We trust that there is nothing too hard for You to do, and even when we don't know what to do, our eyes are on You! So right now, show us what we should do, according to Your Word!
Remind each single parent that, just like You told the children of Israel, in Deuteronomy 11:18-19, " Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up!" Father God, show parents how to instill and teach Your ways, as You teach the parents, to pray, admonish, and show respect. We pray that You bind up every evil spirit, that speaks into the ear of the parent or child, or shows them things that appear to be right to do but are not! Let the Blood cover everything that the devil tries to do, IN JESUS' NAME! We count it done! AMEN!
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
A Prayer of Deliverance for Women in Addiction and Bondage
Prayer of Deliverance for Women In Addiction and Bondage - October 22nd
By: Therese Warrick, Founder, Sisters Road to Freedom, Inc., Lexington, KY
Dear Heavenly Father, this prayer is being lifted up on behalf of women everywhere in the world who are broken, women who have fallen and cannot lift themselves up, women who are suffering from depression and anxiety, women under the bondage of shame from divorce, bankruptcy, abortion, prostitution, sexual exploitation, low self esteem; women suffering from addictions of shopping, alcohol and drugs (over the counter, prescription and street) and abuse by intimate partner (psychological, physical, spiritual and financial), women who have one foot in your House and the other in the world, women who are unemployed, women who are looking for love in all the wrong places, women who have lost all their self respect and self worth. Lord God, in the name of Jesus, please have mercy on us and extend Your mercy and grace to women lifted up in this petition.
Father Lord, it is only by Your grace and mercy that I have been delivered, released and redeemed from bondages, guilt and addictions, and for that I say, thank you Lord. Lord God, please have mercy, please extend your grace, please touch each and every woman being lifted up under this petition every where in the world. As Romans 5:5 tells us that hope maketh not ashamed, and Father God, you did it for me, and I know you will do it for these women because I have hope and faith in You and am not ashamed of the things You have delivered me from. Lord, You have redeemed me and as Psalm 107:2 declares, let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy. Father, your Word in Psalm 120:1 tells me that in my distress I cry unto you and you hear me.
Father, that I know because you have heard my cries often and have answered. Dear God, I am humbly asking to please, please, please deliver and release these women, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. We know that after 12 years you delivered the woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5. Lord God, I am thanking you in advance because I know, yes I know that women will be delivered, released and redeemed, all in the name of Jesus. Thank you precious Father, thank you dear God. Thank you Father. Amen.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
A Prayer to Break Chains of Domestic Violence
A Prayer to Break Chains of Domestic Violence - October 21st
By: Rev. Dr. Toni Hawkins, Open Door Christian Church, Louisville, KY
Oh Lord, our Lord, how excellent is your name in all of the earth. What is man that you are mindful of us? God, you are our healer, you are our redeemer, and you are our peace. You have made us in your image. Yes, we are wonderfully and marvelously made yet there are people who are battered and abused physically, emotionally, and mentally. We come acknowledging our complicity in domestic violence when we fail to respond to their need to be free. Forgive us for looking the other way and help us to reflect the love of Christ in both word and deed.
Now Lord, we come asking that you restore the joy, self-esteem, and peace of those who have been beaten into submission and imprisoned by the bondage of abuse. Free them, strengthen them, empower them and heal their wounded and broken spirits. We come praying on behalf of those who have no voice; we come on behalf of those affected by child abuse, spousal abuse, and abuse of our seniors. Don’t loose the chains but break the chains that bound them. Take the shackles off their feet so they can dance like David danced…encouraging themselves in Lord.
While your people are in the healing process, help us who are stronger to be our brother’s and sister’s keeper so that they know they are not alone. Give them a hope and a future for your Word says hope does not disappoint. Give them a hope that will enable them to cope and receive the full manifestation of deliverance, healing, peace, comfort and strength. The joy of the Lord is their strength. Remind them that you will never leave them nor forsake them. Use us as instruments of your love and healing for people shackled by the chain of domestic violence.
Break every chain, break every chain, break every chain. In the name of Jesus they have and we have the victory. For at the sound of that name demons tremble and the devil is a defeated foe. It is in the matchless, marvelous and chain-breaking name of Jesus, our Lord, Savior and soon coming King that we pray this prayer in faith, Amen.
Monday, October 20, 2014
A Prayer to Break the Chains of Unemployment
A Prayer to Break the Chains of Unemployment - October 20th
Heavenly Father, God of all creation, maker and sustainer of all that is. We do humble ourselves before you this day in total submission to your will. We thank you Lord for all the blessings you have richly lavished upon us. We thank you for a reasonable portion of health and strength. We thank you, Oh Lord, for the multitude of your tender mercies. Yes Lord we thank you for everything!
Father God, we ask You for the forgiveness of our sins. We pray for the spirit to do your will in a way that is pleasing unto You. Sometimes oh Lord we find ourselves caught up in our own selfish ways. We find ourselves doing things to please ourselves and not to please You. We find ourselves sometimes, Oh Lord, pleasing man without due consideration of your will for our lives. Father please forgive us. Renew a right spirit within us oh Lord and lead us to do that which is most pleasing to You.
Father we thank you that even in our selfishness you still found room to bless us. You continue to provide our daily bread, You’ve provided us with a roof over our heads and have provided us with clothes on our backs. Oh Lord you’ve been faithful! Yes Lord, you have been faithful to us, and we say thank you! Thank you, Lord for being faithful to us!
Now Lord, there are some among us here and throughout this nation who, for various reasons, have lost our jobs and find ourselves unemployed. Oh Lord, we understand the value of work. We know that work was commanded by you even before Adam and Eve decided to sin in the garden. We know Lord that work is good and earnestly desire to be gainfully employed. We desire Lord to have an acceptable means to pay our bills and to meet all of our commitments. We desire Lord to have the means to take care of the needs of our family. We desire Lord, also, to have the means to contribute financially to the building of your Kingdom.
Oh Lord, we humbly beseech you, right now In the Name of Jesus, to open up doors of opportunity for us that no man can shut. God please Bless every Business that hires us and bless our Managers and supervisors. Bless them in a way that you will get all of the Glory and we will continually praise your name. Help us, Lord to appreciate what we have and what you are going to give us. Help us to have a better work ethic. Help us, Lord, to Give an honest day’s work for a fair wage. No cheating on our time sheets and no watching the clock rather than doing our work. Help us to understand that we should approach our work as though we are doing it for you. Oh Father, hear our prayer and Bless each and every one of us who is unemployed with Good Jobs that are in keeping with your Holy will for our lives. In Jesus name, Amen.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
A Prayer for forgiveness
A Prayer for Forgiveness – October 18, 2014
By: Elaine Tenzca, Lake Orion, MI
Father, Son & Holy Spirit, I come to your throne of grace with several special requests. God, you know that though thousands of people have prayer requests, I cannot mention everyone right now. You know the hearts, cries, needs, and what is best. I pray for intervention, provision, guidance, and blessings wherever needed.
I lift up every person who is praying this prayer, that you will be touch them in great and mighty ways; that each will be blessed beyond comprehension; that you will be glorified and exalted; that eyes will be opened and hearts broken over sin; that spirits will be encourage by your mercy; and lives changed by your forgiveness. I thank you, Lord for the great light that you send throughout the world to let us know that you forgive, that no sin is too great for you to forgive. Grant that men may cry out, “Have mercy on me, O God!” Give them the spirit of prayer in their hearts to call out, “Father, forgive our sins” (Matthews 6:12 KJV)! Send your Holy Spirit of truth and humility to them for their sins. Wherever a soul is sighing, wherever someone is calling to you, hear them.
May this prayer come before your throne for we have so much on our hearts that we can’t rightly express it all. Clear away all the obstacles so that your judgment can be merciful toward those whom you will forgive. Be with us, O Lord. May this be a church community of Jesus Christ washed in his blood with strength to face every bitter outburst of this world, and still forgive. May our prayers remain, “forgive us our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us.” In Jesus name, Amen.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
A Prayer for Victory Over Obesity/Chronic Disease - October 18, 2014
By: Stacee Spurling, St. Stephen Church, Louisville, KY
Lord, We thank you for today and everyday! I come this day asking for prayer for everyone, even for our children, Lord dealing with obesity & chronic diseases. We ask in Your name, GOD to protect every area of our lives. We know, Lord we will have to put all our trust in You God, and allow healing to our flesh, and then to do what we need to do to overcome obesity & chronic diseases such as stroke, heart disease, cancer, asthma, arthritis, and COPD, to name few. Lord, Your have said in Your Word, “My child, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them escape from your sight; keep them within your heart. For they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh” (Proverbs 4:20-22).
We know it is not an easy road, Lord as we take this journey one step at a time to be an example to our generation and to our children. They are our future. We pray that You touch us and them from head to toe, every vessel in our bodies, Lord! Destroy the extra that we are carrying, and is burdening us down. Work on us. Help us to love ourselves, and get in our Word as we listen carefully to Your voice, Lord! We ask for healing, deliverance, and for ways to move forward toward change and acceptance through spiritual guidance. Feed us, Lord through prayer! Help us, Lord through the eyes of a child that we be a great example of overcoming obesity & /or chronic disease so we will no longer be hungry for what has hindered us, or our children, or for what still haunts us, Lord!!!
As we come today asking you for full guidance on how to deal our health concerns, let us be examples to our children and others. Let our lights shine that we can glow with good health and change what has torn us to reclaim our lives back and the lives of our children! Lord as we start each day with our temple Lord heal it, deliver it, save it, destroy anything that is not right with it, cover it, protect it, feed it spiritually. We pray for letting go of regrets and personal shortfalls of obesity & chronic disease, LORD!! No longer bound... No chains holding us........ Leave obesity! Leave chronic disease! No weapon! No Weapon!!! Thank You, God for change is over coming me.........In Jesus name. Amen!
Friday, October 17, 2014
A Prayer to Break the Chains of Mental Illness
By: Evangelist Sherri Dunn, Wounded Warriors Ministry, Louisville, KY
Father, you are a wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God (Isaiah 9:6) that is able to do the exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we can think or imagine (Eph 3:20:21). Father, were calling upon you to manifest your Glory in the lives of your people. We know that “what’s impossible with man is not impossible with God (Luke 18:27).
We seek supernatural healing on the behalf of those individuals that suffer from mental illness. Many, even our loved ones, suffer from schizophrenia, bipolar, anxiety, mood disorders, hallucinations, hearing voices, and delusions. We pray for them and those who suffer from illness in their emotions, eating disorders, attitudes, and behaviors, impulsive control, and those that suffer from pyromania (starting fires), kleptomania (stealing), compulsive gambling, personality disorders, antisocial personality disorder, obsessive compulsive personality disorder, and adjustment disorders; dissociative disorders: people that suffer severe disturbances or changes in memory, consciousness, identity, split personality and psychosomatic disorders.
Father, we ask that you speak into the mind of these individuals “You shall live and not die and declare the works of the Lord” (Ps 118:17). We decree and declare that every demonic force, every thought will line up to the obedience to God. (2Cor10:2-6) Father, every mental demonic giant, wicked imagination, and everything that attempts to exalt itself against the knowledge of God must bow down to your word (Philippians 2:10). Father, your word shall take into captivity everything that is not like you.
Father, transform their minds to think upon things that are true, honest, pure, lovely, just, noble, praiseworthy and holy (Philippians 4:8). Your word, Father states that “if you be for us, you are more than those against us (Romans 8:31). Father, so we thank you for the peace that passes all understanding, (Philippians 4:7) upon all that shall keep their minds stayed on you. (Isaiah 26:3) We thank you now in the name of Jesus for uprooting and tearing down every false perception, every lie, every dysfunctional attitude, action and behavior, and bringing about liberation in the minds of your people.
In Jesus name: thank you for setting the captives free; “Who the Son sets free is free indeed” (John8:36)! Amen!
A Prayer for the Grieved and Bereaved

Wednesday, October 15, 2014
A Prayer for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
A Prayer for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren -October 15th
By: Rev. Syvoskia Bray Pope, Pastor, New Century Fellowship Christian Church
Heavenly Father, We praise you, God for our grandparents who are raising our grandchildren. Father, help us to appreciate and celebrate the lives of these inspirational virtuous women who have so much love for their families. She is a woman who is fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God (Psalm 139:14). She is a reflection of a proverbs 31 woman who does everything she can to protect, love and care for her children. He is the epitome of manhood, a man who does not provoke his children to wrath but brings them up in the love and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4).
Thank you God for her faithfulness, her tenacity, to never give up. Father, thank you for her fruit of the spirit, the patience to wait on you, God. Father, thank you for the joy she shares to lift and bring life to others. Father, thank you for gentleness and meekness she sustains to keep the peace. Thank you for her inner spirit that dwells in the air and changes the atmosphere when she walks in the room. Thank you for his wisdom, patience, and self control. His household is respected because his favorite scripture is "as for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15).
Right now in the name of Jesus, we lift up grandparents for all that you are doing, the sacrifices that they have made to make this world a better place for our children. We appreciate your love and kindness and we deeply are embraced by your wisdom and knowledge that has been shared toward us.
Father, we pray for bountiful blessings to fall on our grandparents. We pray for the windows of heaven to open up and pour blessings they want have room to receive. Father restore unto these grandparents for all that they has given to others and that they may receive 10, 30 and 100 fold of blessings bestowed unto them in the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
Monday, October 13, 2014
A Prayer for The Least of These - October 13
A Prayer for The Least of These - October 13th
Rev. Samuel Bland, Greater St. Mark Baptist Church, Louisville, KY
Dear Lord, we come before you as an empty picture before a flowing fountain in the name of your Son Jesus Christ. We ask for your forgiveness, knowing that we have not always kept your commandments or followed your will. Thank you, Lord for looking past our faults and meeting our every need according to thy riches in glory. Now, Dear God, we ask that you would bless those that are less fortunate than ourselves. We pray now for the homeless, the hungry, the crippled, the sick, the shut in, those locked behind prison walls, those that are bereaved. Lord, let them know that weeping may endure for a night, but JOY cometh in the morning.
Help us to grow our faith in Thee. Help us to walk closer with Thee. Let us be of help to those individuals that stand in need. Let our ministries be about the Father's business, which is soul business. Let us lead others to Christ through our daily walk, our witness and our love for Thee. We thank you, Lord for the opportunity of prayer, and we thank you for JESUS Saves Ministries and Min. Angela Lee Price. Continue to bless her and her ministry in a special way. We Love you Lord, because you first loved us. When it's all over down here, and we stuck our swords in the sands of time, never to study war "no more," give us a place were we may worship you throughout endless ages. In Jesus name we humbly pray. Let the church say, AMEN!
Sunday, October 12, 2014
A Prayer for the Lost to Be Saved
A Prayer for the Lost to Be Saved
Father, We are praying to You by faith this month viligently interceding with all types of prayers in accordance with Your Word (Ephesians 6:18, James 5:15). We believe that the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much (James 5:16). We pray today for the lost to be saved. We know it is Your will that none should perish for Your Word says, "For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Romans 10:13). Your Word says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). We thank You, O Lord, Jesus saves!
We pray also for new believers to be baptized. Your Word says, "Repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost" (Acts 2:38). Baptism, Oh Lord, is the first step in obedience to You. Father, Your Son Jesus was baptized and You were there with the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:16-17)! Not only where You there, Lord, but You spoke saying, "this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased (3:17)" Be pleased with baptism candidates as they prepare for this special occasion in their lives. Don't let the devil steal their joy or any gifts You have given them. We thank you that the wind, and the waves obey Your voice. Finally, Father, we pray for those who has been baptized for all the wrong reasons. May they re-examine themselves by the light of Scripture and run to Your pool for You are a Holy God. In Jesus Name, Amen!
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Sermon Highlight: You Can Win Over Temptation
The sermon message came from a short devotional/Bible Study series on 1 & 2 Corinthians I posted in the Jesus Saves Ministries, Louisville group on Facebook and on the Jesus Saves Social Network over the summer called "Walking With Jesus."
My sermon, was entitled "You Can Win Over Temptation," from 1 Corinthians 10:13.
Everybody wants to be on and cheer for the winning team. Heartwarming stories of two winning teams came out of little league baseball this year of teams that advanced to the World Series. The two teams were the 2014 United States Little League World Series Champions Jackie Robinson West from Chicago, IL, and Taney Dragons from Philadelphia, PA.
In an era where black youth are constantly being denigrated, and where less and less sportsmanship is being displayed among athletes, and fans, for children to emulate, we found coaches, parents, and mentors stepping up to show young black males out of Chicago how to win with excellence and integrity and how to be good sportsmen. Little League phenomenal pitcher Mo’ ne Davis redefined what it means to “throw like a girl” by helping her team, the Philadelphia Taney Dragons advance to the Little League World Series. She became only the 18th girl to play in the Little League World Series in 68 years. Mo’ne earned a place in the National Baseball Hall of Fame, and was the first little leaguer to grace the cover of Sports Illustrated. Though the spotlight was on her as the only girl on the team, she constantly talked about how the team's success was a team effort.
A Prayer to Win Over Temptation