
Sunday, April 04, 2021

A Prayer for Help In the Time of Trouble

Heavenly Father, 

We pray for help in the time of trouble. Oh Lord, trouble don't last always! Even in this time of trouble, oh Lord, joy comes in the morning! For we stand on your Word and we believe your promises! Increase your loving hand of protection upon people who are experiencing sickness, who are in the path even of violence and death. Rescue those in harms way today, we pray from dangers seen and unseen. Raise the awareness of your ministers to sound the alarm! Shower down your ministering angels to stand in the gap to do the work of intercession. Send frontline healthcare workers, and volunteers to help where ever they are needed. We pray for your very present help in trouble, to still turmoil in the nation, to repair the breach of division that is causing us to turn on each other. In the name of Jesus, for it is by His stripes that we are healed. We pray for a greater resolve to live and not die in the face of Covid-19. Strengthen our determination to fight with the tools at our disposal, masks, social distancing, sanitizing agents and vaccinations. 

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the highly effective Covid-19 vaccines that have been approved. Please expedite the vaccine roll-out so that many more people are vaccinated in this race to out-pace variants. We mourn the lives of more than 550,000 Americans who have died to this deadly virus thus far. We pray for healing in the name of Jesus for those who are currently hospitalized, and in ICU units in Kentucky and across this nation. We pray for those who are currently hospitalized for other sicknesses, and chronic diseases. We pray for healing and for a speedy recovery. No matter how dire the prognosis, we know you have the final say. You are the Great Physician. We are encouraged by miraculous stories and testimonies of patients who recovered after fierce, prolonged battles with the virus; for patients who continue to live long past cancer and other major diseases. The wind and waves beat against the shores, this tempest, this deadly virus, Covid-19 that has infected the whole world! Speak now we pray, saying, "Peace! Be still (Matthew 8:23-27) We ask for healing, deliverance, and soon cleansing from this scourge in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

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