
Monday, January 03, 2022

Psalm 91: Our Saving God!

Psalm 91: Our Saving God!

Psalm 91 is a favorite psalm. There is debate over who wrote this psalm, Moses or David. Psalm 91 reminds us of the importance of abiding in the Lord, making our home, habitation in Him. The psalmist declares, "I will say of the Lord He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust (v2). In other words, God is his impenetrable safe place! Nothing goes in, nothing goes out when you spend quality time regularly with the Lord!

You can abide in the Lord through Bible study and meditation on the Word, and by making prayer your lifestyle. The benefits to dwelling and abiding in God include deliverance, exaltation, answered prayer, God's presence in trouble, deliverance, honor, satisfaction of long life and salvation (vv14-16). God's promises are conditional. God promises safety and security BECAUSE we LOVE HIM and KNOW HIS NAME. Read and apply Psalm 91 to your life, beloved. You will realize God doesn't save you once. Oh, no! He keeps on saving you! So, keep on loving Him. He is our saving God! Jesus saves!

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