
Monday, October 20, 2014

A Prayer to Break the Chains of Unemployment

A Prayer to Break the Chains of Unemployment - October 20th

Heavenly Father, God of all creation, maker and sustainer of all that is.  We do humble ourselves before you this day in total submission to your will.  We thank you Lord for all the blessings you have richly lavished upon us.  We thank you for a reasonable portion of health and strength.  We thank you, Oh Lord, for the multitude of your tender mercies. Yes Lord we thank you for everything!

Father God, we ask You for the forgiveness of our sins.  We pray for the spirit to do your will in a way that is pleasing unto You.  Sometimes oh Lord we find ourselves caught up in our own selfish ways.  We find ourselves doing things to please ourselves and not to please You.  We find ourselves sometimes, Oh Lord, pleasing man without due consideration of your will for our lives.  Father please forgive us.  Renew a right spirit within us oh Lord and lead us to do that which is most pleasing to You. 

Father we thank you that even in our selfishness you still found room to bless us.  You continue to provide our daily bread, You’ve provided us with a roof over our heads and have provided us with clothes on our backs. Oh Lord you’ve been faithful!  Yes Lord, you have been faithful to us, and we say thank you!  Thank you, Lord for being faithful to us!

Now Lord, there are some among us here and throughout this nation who, for various reasons, have lost our jobs and find ourselves unemployed.  Oh Lord, we understand the value of work.  We know that work was commanded by you even before Adam and Eve decided to sin in the garden.  We know Lord that work is good and earnestly desire to be gainfully employed. We desire Lord to have an acceptable means to pay our bills and to meet all of our commitments.  We desire Lord to have the means to take care of the needs of our family.  We desire Lord, also, to have the means to contribute financially to the building of your Kingdom. 

Oh Lord, we humbly beseech you, right now In the Name of Jesus, to open up doors of opportunity for us that no man can shut.  God please Bless every Business that hires us and bless our Managers and supervisors.  Bless them in a way that you will get all of the Glory and we will continually praise your name. Help us, Lord to appreciate what we have and what you are going to give us.  Help us to have a better work ethic. Help us, Lord, to Give an honest day’s work for a fair wage.   No cheating on our time sheets and no watching the clock rather than doing our work.  Help us to understand that we should approach our work as though we are doing it for you. Oh Father, hear our prayer and Bless each and every one of us who is unemployed with Good Jobs that are in keeping with your Holy will for our lives. In Jesus name, Amen.

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