
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A Prayer for Our School Children - October 29th

A Prayer for Our Children - October 29th
By:  Joyce Vaughn, Stephen Church, Louisville, KY

Dear Heavenly Father, We come to you today and ask for forgiveness of all our sins, even the ones we were unaware that we committed.  Most of all Lord we want to thank you, thank you for past blessings, present blessings and future blessings.

Lord as parents, let us abide by Your words in Matthew 19:14, "Jesus said, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these."  We have the responsibility to teach and bring up our children to worship and believe in You.  We ask that we be childlike in our love and trust of You.  We ask Lord that You will continually bless them, keep them, free them from bullying and harm, free them from promiscuity, free them from harmful influence, and free them from drugs and alcohol.  We ask that they turn to You when they are suffering and struggling, and that they will always put You first.  In the blessed name of your son, Jesus Christ.  AMEN!

Here is a short prayer I give to some of my grandchildren and young cousins: WASH YOUR HANDS AND SAY YOUR PRAYERS.  BECAUSE GERMS AND JESUS ARE EVERYWHERE.

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