
Monday, October 13, 2014

A Prayer for The Least of These - October 13

A Prayer for The Least of These - October 13th

Rev. Samuel Bland, Greater St. Mark Baptist Church, Louisville, KY

Dear Lord, we come before you as an empty picture before a flowing fountain in the name of your Son Jesus Christ. We ask for your forgiveness, knowing that we have not always kept your commandments or followed your will. Thank you, Lord for looking past our faults and meeting our every need according to thy riches in glory. Now, Dear God, we ask that you would bless those that are less fortunate than ourselves. We pray now for the homeless, the hungry, the crippled, the sick, the shut in, those locked behind prison walls, those that are bereaved. Lord, let them know that weeping may endure for a night, but JOY cometh in the morning. 

Help us to grow our faith in Thee. Help us to walk closer with Thee. Let us be of help to those individuals that stand in need. Let our ministries be about the Father's business, which is soul business. Let us lead others to Christ through our daily walk, our witness and our love for Thee. We thank you, Lord for the opportunity of prayer, and we thank you for JESUS Saves Ministries and Min. Angela Lee Price. Continue to bless her and her ministry in a special way. We Love you Lord, because you first loved us. When it's all over down here, and we stuck our swords in the sands of time, never to study war "no more," give us a place were we may worship you throughout endless ages. In Jesus name we humbly pray.  Let the church say, AMEN!

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