
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Millennials and the Church, Part 7

By:  Angela Lee Price

Part 7:  Conclusion

The Millennial Generation presents the church with a vast opportunity for discipleship.  This generation believes it will do great things and is motivated to serve society.  Whereas the Boomers and Generation X  were the “seen and not heard” children, Millennials are both seen and heard by parents who present them to the world as trophies of achievement through pictures, videos, pageants, sports, and contests.   They are special not only because of the attention attributed them but also because they are the largest and most ethnically diverse of all generations.  They are more likely to have close friends and family members of other ethnicities.

 Millennials are similar to Baby Boomers in that both generations are large and they have offered groundbreaking relationships with people of other races.  Boomers grew up segregated but were the first generation to integrate with other races later in life and right wrongs of the past through Civil Rights and affirmative rights legislation.  Because they did not grow up segregated, Millennials have taken Boomer diversity achievements one step further.  Rainer states, “…68% of the Millennials grew up in places that had significant diversity.”  Booke, a 29-year-old research study respondent stated, “I can’t ever remember a time when I was not in a mixed racial crowd.  I’ve heard my parents talk about the segregated world they grew up in, and it just seems weird.  It’s hard to believe that was common in the United States just a few years ago” (Rainer, p. 85).  This population, therefore, is much more likely to have friends and family members of other races and to marry interracially.  Although they are highly educated, they are largely “unchurched,” and rarely do they read the Bible or meet with others to study the Bible.  Approximately 70 percent of young adults agree that the American church is irrelevant, and only 24 percent attend church weekly.  This means that the church must disciple young adults differently, parents and mentors must be involved with the church in the discipleship process, and the church must prepare to disciple a more ethnically diverse congregation.
Works Cited Include:

Excerpts from my research paper, The Millennials, will be posted August 26th-31st as a seven-part series. This paper was written in partial fulfillment of course work for the Masters of Theology program at Campbellsville University, June 2013. All rights reserved.

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