
Monday, November 26, 2012

WATCH: Jamie Foxx Blasphemes God and the Lord Jesus Christ by Calling Barack Obama "Our Lord and Saviour"; Even If he Was Joking, This Is Really Stupid and Blasphemous - BCNN1

Do you think Jamie Foxx committed the unpardonable sin or is this much to do about nothing? I watched the Soul Train Music Awards last night and really enjoyed it. There were statements made throughout the show celebrating President Obama's re-election to a second term.....and? Why would anyone be surprised by this since roughly 90% of African Americans supported President Obama's re-election?  Jamie said "First giving honor to God, and to our Lord and Savior Barak Obama...." Jamie Foxx is a comedian. He makes people laugh for a living. His job is to say silly stuff. On ocassion, Jamie goes over the top. It may have been in poor taste, but you have to take what he said with a grain of salt.

WATCH: Jamie Foxx Blasphemes God and the Lord Jesus Christ by Calling Barack Obama "Our Lord and Saviour"; Even If he Was Joking, This Is Really Stupid and Blasphemous - BCNN1

1 comment:

  1. Blasphemy is not a joke, nor should it be excused as only by a comedian. Jesus is our Lord, as you should know. He is our ONLY Lord and Savior. Thank you.


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