
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Prayer for An End to Violence and War - October 25th

Prayer for An End to Violence and War - October 25th
By: Min. LaQuita Gaskins, St. Stephen Church, Louisville, KY
O loving and righteous God, we love you and desire to be like you! We thank you for all you have done for us. Forgive us for our trespasses, God. Spirit of God, forgives us! Instead of loving our enemies, we have demonized our enemies. You are so righteous, Lord. You search minds and hearts, Lord, and we ask you to search our hearts and bring to an end the violence of the wicked and make the righteous secure in your abilities (Psalm 7:9). Lord, you establish the righteous. Lord, End the evil of those who are wicked and defend the righteous!
Lord, we pray for an end to war, poverty, starvation, racism, sexism, executions, torture, abortion, nuclear weapons, global warming, global wars, and violence of every kind in our world. We pray, God for you to heal the bombed out, and unwilling people in this world today. Take all hate from our hearts, O God teach us how to un-judgmentally help others in finding their way. Open our eyes and show us what things make it easy for hatred to flourish, so that we can cast it out before it catch root in our minds and hearts so it will not be hard for us to conquer it. Lord, we pray that you will lead us into your love! You sent your son Jesus Christ as a representation of that kind of love. We pray that you will lead us to your type of justice. You gave us the law to show us your justice. You confirmed it through the Prophets you sent. Love is stronger than hate! We know that by your stated peace. “My peace I leave with you! And My peace I give to You”! In Jesus name, Amen.
Join the Prayers of the Righteous Online United Prayer Vigil

Join Our 12-HOUR FAST!  If you could not fast along with us on Wednesday, it's not too late to pick a day this week to fast as well as pray. Give up something you love eating or doing for 12 hours and give that time to the Lord in prayer, scripture meditation, or bible study. Let the Lord lead you. Some of you may want to abstain for all foods but liquids, while others may want to abstain from favorite food and activities. Some of you may want to give up television, or texting, or telephones or computers, while others may want to abstain from sweets, and shopping. Be sure to read Mark 9:19-29. The disciples could not cast the foul spirit out of the man, and when they asked why, Jesus stated "This kind can come forth by nothing but by prayer and fasting." (v 29 KJV). Some bible versions, like NIV, add fasting as a footnote.
Let us fast and pray as God leads each one so that God's will may be done in the earth. Thank you for everything you are doing for the the Kingdom of God in this hour! The effectual fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much!

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