
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Fourth Grade Scholars: Vote for Somebody

By:  Min. Angela Lee Price

Look at the label on these children, "Fourth Grade Scholars!" "Citizen Scholars!" I love it!  Here is what the description says about this video:

Democracy Prep's amazing fourth grade scholars want YOU to vote this November 6th! The Harlem Prep Hawks sing their civic message loud and proud to the tune of Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe." A "Straight A" network, with 2,000 students across seven campuses in Harlem, NY and Camden, NJ, Democracy Prep is proving what is possible in urban education. We are preparing our responsible citizen-scholars to succeed in the college of their choice and a life of active citizenship. We hope they inspire YOU to Vote for Somebody! The scholars are hoping to get 100,000 views and likes, so please forward this to your friends and visit to learn more. Work Hard. Go To College. Change the World! Follow us @DemocracyPrep or visit

I use to substitute teach and tutor children, mostly middle schoolers. I have seen the labeling that is occurring in the school system and it is horrible. It is not only happening to our children, it is happening to adults every day. I have seen it in the church. We stereotype people and pigeonhole them, and the one thing we think they can do is all we want them to do.

I thank God for placing it on my heart to look at the Prayer of Jabez more closely. I had sterotyped it as one of those "prosperity" prayers. I think the song had alot to do with it, too. That, plus everyone's fixation on prosperity a few years ago. I believe people were reading into it material provision and overlooked character provision. I believe, and it is just me, that it was Jabez's character that helped him get his prayer through. Think about it, he is listed in a geneology a whole chapter long, but only he gets a "Yes" from God that we know of, and only he is singled out with additional real estate on the page. Not everyone who is mislabeled and who prays to God will get their prayer through the way Jabez did. You have to have character, or really need it, to get God's attention. Virtue, as I am learning, is critically important to being spiritually, physically, and mentally well. After all, it was virtue that healed the woman with the issue of blood. Virtue was what she needed.  Jabez had virtue. He was more honorable than his brothers.
I pray right now for these children "citizens". Lord, in the name of Jesus may they remain "citizens" all of their lives. Don't let this sick society steal their inheritance in you or their citizenship in this country. I pray you will keep them out of prison, Father. I pray for their minds, Lord. Protect their intellect and their genius, Jesus! Make them critical thinkers, Lord! Pour into them greatness, Lord. In Jesus Name. Amen!

2 Peter 2-4 states, "Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus or Lord, and His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which has been given to us exceedingly great and precious promised, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust."

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