
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

For the East Coast: A Prayer In Time of Trouble

Min. Angela Lee Price, St. Stephen Church, Louisville, KY
Heavenly Father, You are our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change, though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble with its tumult. You are in the midst of the city; it shall not be moved; You will help it when the morning dawns. The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge (Psalm 46). Last year, Father it was Hurricane Irene, and now Hurricane Sandy. Father, we prayed then and we're praying now. No other help we know! Millions experienced a violent night last night. The wind and waves beat against the shores! The cities flooded. Millions are without power. The fires burned in the borroughs, Lord. Yet, you are God! Speak now we pray, saying, "Peace! Be still! (Matthew 8:23-27).

Even in this time of trouble, oh Lord, trouble don't last always! Even in this time of trouble, oh Lord, joy comes in the morning! For we stand on your Word and we believe your promises! Shower down medics, oh Lord, first responders, and volunteers to help the needy. Increase your loving hand of protection upon sleeping babies in the shelters. Rescue the unsaved today, we pray from the wind and waves, and yes even unto eternal life. Thank you, Lord for your Son Jesus Christ. He is the only way to eternal life! Jesus saves! We pray for the East Coast, for your very present help in trouble, for salvation, deliverance and victory found only in You. To you, Lord, be glory, power,  dominion, and honor both now and forever! In Jesus name, Amen.

Take Your Souls to the Polls!

Early voting is underway in a number of states. Check Your State's Early Voting Rules. October 30th is last day to return absentee ballot applications in Kentucky! The ballot itself needs to be received in office by 6 PM on Election Day, November 6th. Go to the polls and cast your vote. Voting in your right and responsibility!

Join Our 12-HOUR FAST On Wednesday, October 31st! This is the last week of our prayer vigil, we ask whosoever can and will to set aside tomorrow as a day of fasting. The Bible expressly says somethings will only come out by prayer and fasting. Please join us in a day of fasting on Wednesday, October 31st from 6:00 A-6:00 P, or 6:00P-6:00 A beginnng tonight if you work the night shift.

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