
Friday, September 14, 2012

Happenings On the Jesus Saves Social Network

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"Go out into the country lanes and behind the hedges and urge anyone you find to come, so that the house will be full"Luke 14:24.

Here's what's happening on the Jesus Saves Social Network.  Becoming a member is free and easy.  Click the link to join a network of Christians from Louisville, Kentucky and all over the world committed to promoting the cause of Christ. We are telling everybody that Jesus saves!

Welcome New Members: Dave Brannigan, Oakland, CA; Gay Brennan, Sherman, Texas; Carmen Demetria Greene, Atlanta, Georgia, and Sharese Barnes, Arlington, Texas. Thank you for joining this network in lifting up Jesus Christ.
Celebrating Birthdays This Month: Damita Scott, Earlene Cole, Pastor Robert C. Drake, Sr., St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church (photo), Louisville, Bonnie Lash Freeman, Shirley Johnson, Rev. Keith Love, Valerie Cox, and Ms. Paula Loving. Be sure to stop by their pages with a birthday shout-out!
Member In Spotlight: Renea Motley
Jesus Saves Social Network member Renea Motley loves to serve. She says, "I am saved and enthused about the privileged opportunity to serve. My goal is to know Jesus and my aim is to honor Him by allowing the world to experience His Love through my living. My motto is "Smile, you never know who may except Jesus based on the approval of your smile" Jesus Loves ya and He cares. I serve @ the Kingdom Land Baptist Church in Louisville." Renea Motley volunteers at Praise Power 1350 WLOU and the new Praize 104.7 FM.
What Members Are Saying:
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Tina Bank (Toledo, OH): "Thanks for welcoming me I'm new to the internet I'm glad I found your site."
Therese Warrick (Lexington, KY): "I have been blessed richly ever since I have become a part of this ministry. Jesus Saves Ministries is uplifting and encouraging. Rev. Price and the members of this ministry have provided me with a constant feeding of spiritual food as I journey on my road to freedom, that is, the road to life! I pray God's continued blessings and anointment over this ministry and over the life of Rev. Angela Lee Price."
Maurice Jackson (Kansas, MO): "Hey, Everybody! Stopping by to say hello! Continue to lift up the name of Jesus. He is soon to come back for a church without spot, wrinkle or blemish."
Ange Canessa (Lexington, KY): "Just wanted to say congrats and God is doing a magnificent work in your life. You are blessed and thanks for loving Jesus the way you do...."
Latisha Nickerson (Columbus, GA): "Thank you for your support and help with my journey in Christ, I am so glad to be apart of this positive ministry to uplift God, who is Almighty.. I am currently retiring from the military due to illnesses and injuries I endured from my mission to not only serve my country but to serve God in all my talents as a nurse, friend, mother, sister and friend. I thank God for people like you and I will do all I can to spread the Gospel as he told us to do."
Stacee Spurling (Louisville, KY): "I just want to give a Praise shout out to Min. Angela Price for all her great works in this ministry. God bless you and your family for all of your works. I pray that God will continually keep you all. Praise God for this site because through GOD you saw fit a word that has inspired others to share fellowship as well as events, and all types of information on here. Thank you once again for 7 years."
Joyce Vaughn (Louisville, KY): "The experience with Rev. Angela and this website has really helped me in my Christian journey. I have learned so much, met so many wonderful people, and formed some lasting relationships. I do not know how Angela keeps the pace that she does, she's like the energizer bunny. I pray to God to give her continual strength and guidance as she continues her education and pursues her ministry. Many blessings upon Rev. Angela, her husband and family, all those connected to this website now and for the future."
Jesus Saves Ministries is taking donations for personal toiletries, socks, caps, t-shirts, Bibles for our missions initiative, "Blessings In A Basket" in its fourth year. Help us bless the "least of these" this fall and winter! Join us in providing baskets to those less fortunate, the homeless, those living in shelters, the unemployed and under-employed, the sick and shut-in, seniors, and to single-parent families who has experience severe financial and economic hardships.

1 comment:

  1. lick the link to join a network of Christians from Louisville, Kentucky and all over the world committed to promoting the cause of Christ. We are telling everybody that Jesus saves. social websites


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