
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Happenings On the Jesus Saves Social Network - February 21st

Water From A Rock
By: Min. Angela Lee Price
Praise the Lord, Everybody! What a powerful Sunday school lesson we had at our church on this weekend! The lesson was entitled, "Water From A Rock," Numbers 20:1-13; 1 Corinthians 10:1-5. This story sheds light on why Moses was not allowed to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land.
Many people say God was too harsh on Moses in not allowing him to go into the Promised Land. God had specific reasons for why He wanted things done a certain way. Speaking to the Rock who is Jesus Christ is what we should do when we are in need today. We should take all of our problems to the Lord in prayer. I can't imagine swinging at God, pushing or shoving Him to get my way.
It is true the Moses wasn't allowed to go into the Promised Land, but people fail to realize that almost all of the adults, with the exception of Joshua and Caleb, were not allowed to go in either. The people murmured constantly, romanticized their bondage in Egypt, failed to obey God, built the Golden calf, and much more.
This is not to excuse Moses' harsh treatment of the people either. Moses gave the impression that he saved them, that he performed the miracle and not God. Ministry can be difficult and Satan loves to attack us in ways to discredit our witness. This is why we must pray for people in leadership, and how best to present our concerns to them respecting that God has given them authority.
Remember, Jesus Christ is the Living Water. His well never runs dry. In your wilderness experience, don't talk back to Satan or your adversaries. Speak to Jesus about your troubles, and obey His voice. He will see you through!
Click the link for more principles from this story and additional discussion. Share a main point, a highlight from this lesson or your lesson with us! We'd like to hear from you! The Word is a lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our pathways!
Welcome New Members:
Pastor Ravi Raj. Kadiyam's (India), Rev. Yobin Koshy Cherian (India), Ange Canessa (Nicholasville, KY and photo left with his dog) have joined the Jesus Saves Social Network. Check out their profiles, and websites and if you like what you see, leave an encouraging word. Romans 15:2 states, "Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up."

By: A Debt of Love, Joyce Vaughn
"Oh how I love Jesus, Oh how I love Jesus, Oh how I love Jesus, because He first loved me," has always been one of my favorite spirituals. I think it sums up Jesus' love for us and ours for Him. Genesis Chapter 1 is about the Creation. What we learn from this is that God chose to create the universe, and the reason for this was because of His love.
Love is often called a debt. In Romans 13:8, it explains that we owe a "continuing debt to love one another. for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law." The reason for love being referred to as a debt is because we are permanently in debt to Jesus for all of His love that He has displayed on us. (click above link to continue)
Also Read:
Ange Canessa - "Why I Love Jesus"
Michael Ewing - "Lovin' Jesus"
Featured Member: Albert Kunihira, Kampala, Uganda
Albert Kunihira from Kampala, Uganda. I am full time youth ministry worker, married, with 4 children, a man of peace, a humanitarian, and a development & social worker
Dear Believers in Christ,
Calvary Greetings. Have you been looking for a Sports Ministry Volunteer or Missions opportunities in Africa, look no further, the opportunity is here. Follow the links below to get more info. During the 2012 Spring Break & Summer, you can spend your quality time sharing the Gospel, Teaching the Bible, Teaching English in Schools, Serving in Orphanages, Doing Light Construction Work, Conducting Evangelism Sports Clinics & having fun with Orphans, Vulnerable Children, Children from Rural Poor Families & War affected Children in Uganda through our sports ministry. kindly visit us at and as well you can view our Sports Ministry Photo album at
PraizePower 1350 WLOU and the new Praize 104.7 FM presented the Black History/Restore Lampton Church Program on Saturday, February 18th at the West End Baptist Church in Louisville, Rev. Dr. Dartanya Hill, Sr. Pastor.
The guest speaker was Rev. Charles Elliott, Jr., Pastor, King Solomon Baptist Church and musical guests included Lampton's youth and praise choirs, the West End Baptist Church choir, Robert Jamison & Victory, Michael Young with In God's Presence, Ronnie Palmer and a children's mime ministry.
Clergy from various churches spoke and presented donations on behalf of their churches to support historic Lampton Baptist Church in restoring power to its facility and re-open church doors for regular worship services after power was turned off in the wake of a $32,000 Louisville Gas and Electric bill. (click above link for more)

Share feedback on Whitney Houston Funeral. Many people went to church on Saturday, possibly for the first time, to see the funeral of Whitney Houston. The Black Church was in the spotlight, on center stage. Was it the church's finest hour? Why or Why Not?
First Lady Michelle Obama to Visit Louisville On Thursday. Fresh off recent appearances on the BET Honors and the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, first lady Michelle Obama will be speaking at a fundraiser at the Kentucky Center for African American Heritage. Do you plan to attend or do you know anyone who will be attending? What do you think of the first lady?
Is President Obama Doing A Good Job? Many people are attacking President Obama, even as the economy is improving. However, gas prices are expected to continue to climb in the next few months. Explain
Put A Ring On It: Should Couples Live Together Before Marriage? Many people are choosing to say "I Don't" instead of "I Do." Should couples just live together? Why or Why Not
Celebrating Black History
Jesus Saves Ministries celebrates the depth and breath of our rich African American heritage and black church experience by giving members an opportunity to add to their collections books and gospel music by and about African and African American men and women who have lead in the struggle for freedom and equality, and who have excelled in their various academic and professional fields to make this country great.
Congratulations to recent winners:Phyllis Webb, Rev. Samuel Bland, Joyce Vaughn, Michael Ewing, Maurice Jackson and Brittany Thurman

Three More Winners Announced on Thursday Afternoon!
Win movie passes to see Red Tails:
The thrilling true story of the Tuskegee Airmen buzzes to the big screen in this epic war adventure from executive producer George Lucas and first-time feature director Anthony Hemingway. In the fire and chaos of World War II, the U.S. military recruits a fearless group of African-American fighter pilots to help reclaim the skies over Europe. Discriminated against both as citizens and as soldiers, the Tuskegee Airmen take flight in planes distinguished by distinctive red tails, and fight to defeat the tyranny of the Axis powers. As a result of their bravery, the pilots emerge as true heroes, and prove that all men are truly created equal. Terrence Howard, Cuba Gooding Jr., and Bryan Cranston star. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi
Win movie passes to see Joyful Noise!
Hard times have fallen on Pacashau, Ga., but the townspeople have faith that the Divinity Church Choir will lift their spirits by winning a national competition. The choir has always made beautiful music, but now, its two leading ladies have hit a sour note. Vi Rose (Queen Latifah) believes that a traditional style is the key to victory, but G.G. (Dolly Parton) thinks tried-and-true means tired-and-old. The two singers must find a harmonious chord or risk losing everything.

Church & Ministry Events!
Post your church and ministry events today! We will blast them out to all network members at no charge this month. Also, look for upcoming Jesus Saves Ministries workshops. To invite Min. Angela Lee Price to speak at your church, conference, or gospel event, e-mail her at or call 502-415-1001.

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