
Wednesday, October 05, 2011

centerThe Psalmist Becomes a Prophet:br /Kirk Franklin Rebukes the Church Hard atbr /Tony Evans' Kingdom Agenda Conference/center - BCNN1

From: 10-04-11
Most pastors and church leaders will tell you that they want the singers to sing and then don't say anything else. That's a little secret among pastors that most in the church do not know.

In fact, pastors cringe with nervousness when singers start talking before they sing, or if they start talking after they sing, or even if they start praying. I know that many musicians and church people do not know this, but most pastors just want the singer to sing and exit the stage as fast as possible.

But Tony Evans bucked the system tonight and allowed Kirk Franklin to preach, not sing, but Preach!

One of the things that Kirk Franklin said was that "Pastors and church leaders, while you have been busy trying to build your church, get on TBN, and keep up with your twenty-five 'armor-bearers,' you have lost your influence, your families, and the young people who used to come to your church and you need to humble your selves and repent." He also said that 'I personally know all of the superstar pastors and churches that have crashed and failed over the past seven years -- and the thing that hurts me the most is that I hardly ever saw any humility among these church leaders.'

The entire church needs to hear this message from this singer who has become a seer.
We strongly encourage you to get the tape or CD from

Hear Suzette Caldwell at 9:00 am, Dr. Tony Evans at 10:45 am, and Joe Stowell at 8:45 pm live tomorrow, Wednesday, October 5th (Central Time). Tune in live at BCNN3.TV, GLBN.TV, GoToChurchOnline.TV, or WhyteHouse.TV.

centerThe Psalmist Becomes a Prophet:br /Kirk Franklin Rebukes the Church Hard atbr /Tony Evans' Kingdom Agenda Conference/center - BCNN1

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