
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

St. Stephen New Members On God's Team, Win With Jesus!

By:  Min. Angela Lee Price

When Jesus asked Matthew, the tax collector to follow Him, Matthew wanted everyone to know he had made his connection with God. He invited friends and guests and hosted a party at his home celebrating his new life in Christ (Matthew 5:27-29 and 2 Corinthian 5:17).

On July 23rd &; 24th, the St. Stephen Church Member Services Ministry hosted a Matthew Party, a "Connection Celebration Weekend" for new members, their families and guests. Connection Celebration recognized, during and after worship services, all new members who have connected with God and St. Stephen since June of 2010. The theme was "I'm a Member of God's Team!" New members enjoyed light refreshments, received "God's Team" fun favors, entered drawings to win gifts, and signed up for new members' and Bible Fellowship classes and ministries at receptions held at the Louisville and Southern Indiana campuses and Dosker Manor location after worship services.

Winning with Christ and sportin' a "I Love My Church" t-shirt, new member Maurice Thomas holds the gift he won at the celebration, bookends shaped like a football that read "Christ Is Life." Maurice is a member of the Building In Christ adult bible fellowship class. He got connected to the Men's Ministry and Mighty Men's Choir shortly after joining in 2010. Also, he is a member of the Prayer Ministry.
New members Jenelle Jackson and her son Demetrius Yarbrough are on the winning team in more ways than one, each winning gifts in random drawings. Demetrius shows off his children's gift basket.

"We want everyone to know what great things God is doing in the lives of our new members and in the life of our church," stated Member Services Director Min. Angela Lee Price. "St. Stephen is on "the grow!" We had close to 600 new members joined St. Stephen Church in 2010, and so far this year, approximately 300 new members have united with us.

New member Deonta Simpson (in black) with his mother Angela Simpson-Reed (in green) and family members. Deonta participated in worship by recognizing all new members during the Welcome on the Louisville campus.

"Connection Celebration helps our new members feel welcomed and provides another opportunity for ministry leaders and members to meet them. It provides an opportunity, too for them to get connected to Bible fellowships, small groups and ministries," Min. Price stated.

New members were encouraged to bring families and friends. Approximately 45 guests attended the Connection receptions over the weekend. Six guests connected with St. Stephen Church, four at the reception after the 9:40 a.m. worship service. Connection Celebration will be held again in November.

Member Services Director Min. Angela Lee Price with new members Nyvelle Washington, and Gail Forbes. Gail is also the Director of Youth & College Age Ministries.

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