
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Father's Day Promotion - Will Real Men Please Stand Up!

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Guardians Tag Ministry
We are grateful for fathers who know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and who realize that God's grace, full of mercy and justice, is the force that gives all of us life and men the opportunity to be fathers. 

Share in celebrating Father's Day on the Jesus Saves Social Network by commenting on one of these discussion topics:
  1. Real Men Love Jesus
    What is the difference between a man who really loves Jesus and one who is perpetrating.  Give examples of real men in your church.
  2. A Man After God's Own Heart
    David was a man after God's own heart, and yet he sinned. What does it means to be a father and man of God. 
  3. Young Money: The Rich Young Ruler
    What does God have to say to young fathers who have gotten caught up in the hip hop lifestyles of cars, women, and money?  Use Mark 10:17-31.
  4. Masculinity:  Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up? 
     Men don't want to follow God oftentimes because they get mixed messages about him, that he's somewhere between macho and milquetoast.  Why Jesus is the ultimate man.
  5. I Am Your Father!
    Paul said in 1 Corinthians 4:15, "Even though you have ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel."  There are many children without fathers today, and so the need for male mentoring in the church is great.  Use 1 Corinthians 4:1-21 to talk about Christian fathers as mentors.  Do you know any? 
  6. God The Father, A Great Father to Jesus!                                                  Using the Word of God, provide examples of how God the Father was a great father to God, the Son.
  7. Why is your father the best father in the world?
Win movie passes to Village 8 Theatre (Louisville).
Beginning Thursday thru Sunday, we will be giving away patriotic Jesus Saves T-shirts, tickets to the Louisville Bats Baseball games, and tickets to the Village 8 Theatre (Louisville) to participants in these discussions on the Jesus Saves Social Network.  They make great Father's Day gifts.

Thank you for supporting Jesus Saves Ministries. 

Social Network:

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