
Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Begin Again In Jesus Christ

June is here! Don't let what has happened the past few months keep you from the future God has for you. Why not make the rest of your year the best of your year. Today, choose to begin again with Jesus Christ. Jesus says in His Word, "If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me." I love that promise! Jesus promises to do the drawing when we must do the lifting. We invite you to join us in sharing the good news that Jesus saves!

We would love to hear what great and marvelous things God is doing in your life today. As the birds sing, and the "Son" shines, take time to share that powerful testimony God has given you, that scripture He has placed on your heart, that sermon excerpt that in faith will become a rhema word for a weary soul, that upcoming summer revival, conference or ministry event, that prayer request or praise report, and that birthday greeting or note of encouragement, and become an instrument of God's drawing and saving power in someone's life. It doesn't matter where you live. You can reach someone with the Gospel in your hometown, or across the nation, and around the world when you choose to step out in faith and begin again for Jesus Christ. With faith, even the size of a mustard seed, God can move mountains! Trust God and begin again today.

We are blessed by your presence here, but we know in faith that the best is yet to come when you choose to begin again on the Jesus Saves Social Network. God has given us all great and wonderful gifts. Use them to His glory! Tell somebody, everybody, anybody, "I are not ashamed of the gospel. For it is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes!" Begin again today, and share the good news that Jesus saves!

Your sister in Christ,

Min. Angela Lee Price
Founder and Network Host
Jesus Saves Ministries

Jesus Saves Social Network
Jesus Saves Ministries Blog

1 comment:

  1. God is love. He gave us His Son to redeem our sin. We must thank about it. And our task as people that believe in Jesus, we must declare to the world that JESUS IS ONLY SAVIOR.


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