
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Miss Kentucky Plus America Pageant Happens This Weekend

You are a daughter/son of The King! Yours is a testimony of suffering and victory.  Scripture tells us that we are going to suffer just as Christ has suffered (Romans 8:17).  The good news is trouble don't last always.  If God be for us, who (or what) can be against us.  I'd rather have Jesus with me in the sick room, than to be without Him in the board room.

Queen Esther was called to her crown "for such a time as this."  God is already moving in your life, and using you to accomplish His will in ministry.

All eyes appear to be on Prince William and Kate Middleton's royal wedding, but as Christians we have been wedded to Jesus Christ. We are bride to The Bridegroom. We need to remind OURSELVES that we are seated for Jesus in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6).  That is the point of this give-away.  No matter your size, God loves you. Hold your head up! Trust in Him.

God has reminded me that in the same year I receive a man-made crown, He gave me an eternal crown.  The eternal trumps the temporal any day. And oh, yes, the storms have raged in my life.  People may see my glory, but they don't know my story.  But through it all, God has kept me and it does not yet appear what I shall be.  Just as I have suffered with Him, I shall be glorified with Him (Romans 8:17).  Not only I, but you, and all Christians also.

Win tickets to the Miss Kentucky Plus America Pageant. I will be the mistress of ceremonies.  These tickets will make a great Pre-Derby or Pre-Mother's Day gift for a special woman in your life! Three pair of tickets given away Friday morning, April 29th!

  1. Tell us about your crowning moment, the moment God called you daughter/son, co-heir with Jesus Christ.
  2. Who is your favorite queen in the Bible or in life and why, The Queen of Sheba, Queen Esther, Queen Vashti, or maybe you have another queen in mind, tell us why she is your favorite? 
Listen to my 15-minute interview with pageant director Cynthia Elliott and her daughter, Miss Plus America Elite Eve Bailey. 

Remember, it is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves.  Jesus saves!

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