
Friday, March 11, 2011

Happenings on the Jesus Saves Social Network - March 11th!

Be Ye Holy!
"But ye are a chosen general, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praise of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light;" 1 Peter 2:9.
We are now in the Lenten season that began with Ash Wednesday. In Western Christianity, Lent is 40 days of fasting and repentance in preparation for Resurrection Sunday (Easter), this year on April 24th.The six Sundays in Lent are not counted among the 40 days of lent as each Sunday represents a "mini-Easter," a celebration of Jesus' victory over sin and death.

We invite you to join us in fasting and prayer for God's will to be done in our lives, families, churches, schools, communities, and in the nation. We have had some great discussions on the Jesus Saves Social Network on the Daniel Fast during Black History Month. We offer it as an option to encourage healthy eating and prevention of diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and chronic diseases that plague African Americans at alarming rates.

You might also consider giving up something very important to you for a 24-hour or 12-hour period each week, (cell phone, computer, television, text messaging, shopping, etc.) and giving that time to the Lord in prayer and Scripture meditation. Be ye holy even as God is holy! Your are a royal priesthood, a chosen generation!

Read Esther 4:15-17, 2 Chron. 20:3-30, Neh. 9:1-37, Matt 4:1-4, Luke 2:37, Acts 13:2-3, and all passages on fasting and prayer.

Important Dates:
•March 9 - Ash Wednesday
•April 17 - Palm Sunday
•April 21 - Maundy (Holy) Thursday - (Observance of Lord's Supper, the foundation for Communion ordinance in the church).
•April 22 - Good Friday
•April 24 - Easter Sunday (Orthodox Christianity - Eastern Orthodox Churches)

Welcome New Members:
Cynthia Elliott, Ebbony Page, Rev. Linda Moore, Lisa Thompson, Brittney Thurman, and Burnley. Feel free to extend friend requests to them. You never know who God will use to bless your walk with Him!
Featured Member: Rev. Linda Moore

Birthday Celebration for Angela Lee Price - March 16th!
Hi Everybody!
Join me in a birthday celebration for my wife. March 16th is Angela's birthday. It's the BIG ONE. She is reaching a milestone in her life. She received her first letter from AARP. Needless to say, she is a little choked up over it. Help me make it a great day for her. Please stop by the network and show her some love on Wednesday, March 16th. You all mean a lot to her. It would mean so much to me and our family to have you share in this special birthday with us.
Thanks, Bill Price

Preach The Word! - Featuring Co-Pastor Susie Owens - Victory From Behind
This month is Women's Month and we are featuring video clips from nationally known female pastors, co-pastors and preachers. Check out additional videos under the Video Tab on this network and in the Preach The Word group. Pastors, Preachers, Ministers-In-Training, male and female, we encourage you to join Preach The Word, post sermon excerpts, and help lift up the preached word on the Jesus Saves Social Network.

"Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proporation of faith;" Romans 12: 6.

Jesus Saves Newsletter Features Women on Jesus Saves Social Network
Meet some of the women on the Jesus Saves Social Network. Feel free to extend friend requests to them. You never know who God will use to bless your walk with Him! Jesus Saves Newsletter - March 2010

Celebrating Black History!
The following members have received a gift in our Celebrating Black History Books/Gospel Music Give-Away. Today, March 11th is the last day to claim your gift! Please select your gift by visiting the Celebrating Black History group's book list. Make your selection and forward your mailing address to Min. Angela Lee Price's inbox and it will be mailed to you:

Winners for February 26th - March 3rd:
1. Rev. Syvoskia Bray
2. Min. Hazel Parrish
3. Karen O'Bannon
4. Sharon Miller
5. Bonnie Lash Freeman
Winners for February 19th-25th:
1. Lisa Thompson
4. Phyllis Webb
5. Elayne Marchbanks
Winners the week of February 12-18th:
1. Terona Huff
3. Angelic 1
4. Donate Wilkes
Winners for the week February 6-11th:
1. Yolanda Burnley
2. Reta Clayborn
3. Shirley Crenshaw Wooten
Winners for the week January 30th-February 5th:
1. Min. Blondell Richardson

Tell someone about the Jesus Saves Social Network. Jesus Saves Ministries, celebrating five years of lifting up Jesus Christ!

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