
Monday, January 24, 2011

Attention Authors! Share In Our Black History Month Books Give-Away!

God has been good to you! He has blessed you with the power to communicate! Now, here's a chance to lift up Jesus Christ and thank God for His many benefits to you. Jesus Saves Ministries is extending a special invitation to you to join us in our book give-away during Black History Month. We will be featuring books by and about people of color.  We would like to bless God for His gift(s) to you by featuring your material on the Jesus Saves Social Network. If you have written/published a book, journal, or magazine, we would like to feature it in exchange for a copy or copies to be given away as prizes to our members.

  • Your book cover and description about the book/author will be displayed on the main page, side bar.
  • Your book will be promoted in flyers to all network members!
  • Your book will be added to our Book List in the Celebrating Black History group on the Jesus Saves Social Network and on this blog!
We encourage you to create blog posts now during February featuring an excerpt(s) from your book or journal. They will be shared on the Jesus Saves Social Network, this blog, and on our facebook and twitter pages. You may include a link to your website for added exposure.

God has given you tremendous creative writing ability. Share with us during Black History Month and show forth God's love for people of color through your gift of writing. Reply back to me, Min. Angela Lee Price at with a jpeg of your book cover, link to website or short book description today and details on how I may receive your free book(s) for give-away purposes.

We thank you in advance for sharing with Jesus Saves Ministries!

Remember, it is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus saves!

1 comment:

  1. The following authors have graciously donated their works to this give-away:

    1. Dr. Dewey Clayton
    2. Julia Royston
    3. Karen O'Bannon
    4. Brenda Harris
    5. Elayne Marchbanks
    6. Hazel Parrish
    7. Angela Lee Price

    If you would like to contribute books, contact Min. Angela Lee Price at, and visit our social network at


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