
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dr. Lance Watson Upgrades Spirits at Urban Upgrade Conference

By: Min. Angela Lee Price
In this season of thanksgiving, I am thankful for a two-day revival this week that has my spirit soaring. My spirit has been definitely upgraded, and uplifted by the anointed preaching of Dr. Lance Watson, St. Paul Baptist Church, Richmond, Virginia. Dr. Watson was the guest speaker November 15th and 16th for the 4th annual Simmons College of Kentucky Urban Upgrade Church Growth Conference hosted by St. Stephen Church in Louisville Kentucky.

On Monday night, Dr. Watson's message was "I'm Taking My Ques From God." He came from the book of Genesis and the story of Noah building the arc. He talked about how we often bless God in memory by recalling what He has done, but we don't often bless Him in our creative imagination in thinking of  what He can do through us in the future. Noah didn't know what rain was, and he had never seen an arc before, yet Noah took his ques from God. Watson preached about the ridicule Noah endured especially in the years between the completion of the arc and rain. We need to takes our ques, not from man, not from the recession, not from our present situation and circumstance, but from God! We need to remember that what we see is temporary, but what we don't see is eternal. I'm taking my ques from God!

Last night, Dr. Watson's sermon was "I'm A Real Piece of Work!" from Ephesians 2: 4-10. This sermon offered strong encouragement to people struggling from low self esteem and the walking doormat syndrome. This sermon was an encouragment to anyone who has ever been discriminated against, maginalized, and criticized. Dr. Watson talked about Picasso's work being valuable not because of the type of paint used, nor the canvass painted on, but because of who the maker, Picasso was. Watson said we are valuable because of who our Maker is and the gift that He has given believers. Watson went into Picasso-like detail in painting an elegant masterpiece of our extraordinary "workmanship" as creations of All Mighty God. You need to know that you are fearfully and wonderfully made! You are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. You're a real piece of work!

So, I am thanking God for the conference, the preacher and the preached Word!  I'm an upgraded spirit!

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