
Thursday, September 02, 2010

Annoucing Winners In Hallelujah White Party Drawing!

Participants were asked to post blogs on the following subjects:
  1. Singing Glory Hallelujah for A Center for African American Heritage
  2. Hallelujah, The Highest Praise
  3. The Jesus of My Hallelujah:  Why I Love Him
  4. My Soul Shouts Hallelujah
 Thanks to the Buffalo Foundation and WLOU Radio for partnering with Jesus Saves Ministries in this drawing.
Comment by RaMonica Denise Hughes 1 day ago
"I am shouting Hallelujah for a Heritage Center.  Being that as a young mother, I am now able to allow my children to learn the truth about their heritage. The history books in the schools only taught me, and is currently teaching them, the things that they want us to know, not the things that we need to know. There is so much more about my culture that I want to learn without having the drive all the way to Atlanta and Ohio.
I believe that the Center will prosper greatly with God by its side. I am just proud to say that I will be able to witness this wonderful place."
Comment by Joyce E. Vaughn on August 30, 2010 at 9:28pm
I think it is highly appropriate to sing Hallelujah for the new African American Heritage Center. Its presence is long overdue. I think this Heritage Center will provide education about our people for our people.  It will show the depth of our character, show our past and present. It will exhibit a source of pride for our race, and show how much we have contributed to make our United States great.
This website has helped me to initate more in my studies about the Lord and the Bible. Because of this I wanted to study the word "Hallelujah." The Hebrew meaning of Hallelujah is "Praise Yahweh" or "Praise ye the Lord." Hallelujah's definition is an exclamation of joy, praise, or thanksgiving. Its original purpose was in Temple times as a signal that a congregational response should be given to the Levitical Choir.
It is mentioned 16 times in the Bible mostly in Psalms. It can be found in Psalms 106; 111-113; 135; 146-150 (Psalms 146-150 are known as the "Hallelujah Psalms"). It also appears in the Book of Revelation 19.
Doing God's work is a never ending process, and requires reading and studying the Bible and other sources of God's teaching and word. Being an avid reader, this is very good for me. Preparing myself to be and do what God wants of me requires me to situate myself with others who are Praising the Lord and doing His work. This website has a great deal to do with my preparation.
I give Praise and Honor to God to have given our city this African American Heritage Center. I pray that not only our people but all peoples will take advantage of the center. I am encouraged in my Christian walk that we as a people continue to distinguish ourselves in a positive manner.  I think the center will help to do this, and I intend to make it as place I will attend, and if I have my way, most of my family and friends will attend also.  
Comment by samuel bland on August 30, 2010 at 11:48am
Singing Glory Hallelujah, For an African American Heritage Center.
For most Christians, "Hallelujah" is considered a joyful word of praise to God. In fact it is the highest "Praise " unto God. It is a True Praise in "Spirit and in Truth" because God is a God of Spirit and Truth. That Truth, with a capital "T", is Jesus Christ.
I praise God for the African American Heritage Museum coming to reality. I believe that a culture or a people that do not know their heritage is doomed to repeat most of the ills that have embodied our communities and families of today.
The location of the Heritage Center on Muhammad Ali Blvd. is a testimony to the connection with history and heritage.
God is doing a powerful work with this "Dream" that has become reality. We give God the Praise and say" HALLELUJAH, THANKYOU JESUS, FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW!!!" We wish the Center and it's administration all the blessings of Jesus as they go forth in bringing a community to a better understanding of the African American experience. Thank you, Praises be unto God.
Comment by Phyllis M. Webb 1 day ago 
My Soul Shouts Hallelujah when I wake up in the morning not on my own power but by the power and will of God Almighty. He's allowed me to live another day, have that 'deep down in my heart' kind of joy..something that man can't take away.
The Heritage Center is truly a blessing for all of us (former writers and reporters) and some have lived to see it come to pass. There was talk of a center of this kind many years ago and now our children, grandchildren and future generations can see the results of hard work, and yes, sweat and tears of those who have come before us. With the continued financial support from the community and other entities, as well as continued positive press coverage, the Heritage Center will be here a long time for all to enjoy! God be the Glory as HE is doing great things! Shout Hallelujah!
These are additional comments on the Hallelujah themes:
Comment by Therese Warrick 15 hours ago
Hallelujah, thank you Jesus! Jesus Saves Ministries is anointed by the Lord and this ministry has touched so many lives, but most importantly, it has touched my life. I know God directed me to this ministry for a reason, that is, to get me excited about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! This ministry has helped me to mature in my Christian walk. Hallelujah, this ministry has blessed not only me but my friends and family here in Kentucky and in Belize. This ministry has afforded me the opportunity to request prayer, to write about God's goodness and mercy and to share pictures and videos. This ministry has afforded me the opportunity to attend many events that I never could have afforded or even knew about, to name a couple, (The Clean Up Woman, The Temple Choir Concert featuring Bishop Hezekiah Walker).
This is a hallelujah shout and I pray that God continue to keep and bless Rev. Angela Lee Price and Jesus Saves Ministries.
Comment by samuel bland 22 hours ago
This is truly one of the most innovative and exciting web sites for promoting the "Kingdom of God" on the internet. It is an invaluable source to many and I pray for its continued growth with the power of Almighty God. We celebrate along with you and Praise God for you and your "Chazone" Hebrew for "Vision."
Also "Chazone" is a great book that I am reading for my Practicum. You might want to add it to your library. (Everyone that has a dream and needs inspiration, it's a good read). You have my word on it.
From Angela Lee Price:
My soul is shouting, "Hallelujah!" Morning by morning, new mercies I see! My soul shouts "Hallelujah!" for you, God's keeping power in your lives, and your love and faithful support of Jesus Saves Ministries. In August, Jesus Saves Ministries began celebrating five years of ministry. Jesus Saves Ministries was birthed on August 12, 2005. We began publishing the Jesus Saves Newsletter, our multi-page newsletter on September 24, 2005. In January 2006, we launched the Jesus Saves Ministries Blog at To date, we have posted more than 400 blog posts there. Hallelujah! In 2008, we began publishing our one-page e-newsletter, The Net Christian E-Newsletter and launched this social network.
We have self-published four journals in five years:
  1. The Jesus Saves Newsletter Historical Journal, Volume 1
  2. The Net Christian E-Newsletter Supplement, Volume 1
  3. The Jesus Saves Newsletter Historical Journal, Volume 2
  4. The Net Christian E-Newsletter Supplement, Volume 2
By God's grace, Jesus Saves Ministries has partnered with a number of ministries and organizations along the way. And we have met some wonderful, God-fearing people on this social network. I shout Hallelujah for you, for your gifts, your love for God, and His love for you. My soul shouts Hallelujah for your prayers for this social network. We know that God is not through with us yet. Thank you for your continued support! Shout, "Hallelujah!" God is good and His mercies endure to all generations!
Join the Jesus Saves Social Network, lift up Jesus Christ with us, and participate in upcoming promotions here. Jesus Saves Ministries, Celebrating Five Years of Lifting Up Jesus Christ!
Social Network:  Jesus Saves Social Network

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