
Friday, August 20, 2010

Does the Black Church Keep Black Women Single?

Does the black church keep black women single?  Should black women go to church to find a man?  Are all men in church good, Christian men?  These are some of the questions asked in this short CNN video.  What do you think?  Black church members talk love, relationships, and what really keeps black women single.

Do you know of women who come to church specifically to find a man?  What is your advice to them?

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1 comment:

  1. I don't believe the church keeps you single. If men are Christians, they want a Christian woman. Christian women are faithful, nurturing, intelligent, and compassionate. I think too many of our Black men are incarcerated, and living that street life and don't want a serious relationship are some of the reasons Black women don't have a man. Also, a lot of Black women have poor self-esteem and seem to think any man is better than nothing. They do not have self-love. If you don't love yourself, how can you expect anyone else to love you? The Black church gives Black women a place, a place where they can learn and relate to others. The Black church is not at fault if you don't have a man. You may have to take a good look at yourself you can't just say all Black men are "dogs." Some Black men may be able to say the same about some of us women. I am promoting self-esteem, and self love, and belief in God as a way out of loneliness. You are never alone when you have God. Sisters, everyone can't have Denzel, but with the right attitude and belief in God, you can have a good man. Keep your eyes, and mind open.


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