
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

First Annual Ladies' Conference Victorious In Deed

By:  Min. Angela Lee Price

The Victorious Ladies' Ministry of Victorious World Christian Center hosted their first annual Women's Conference, Position Yourself for the Promise, July 22nd & 23rd, at the Corinthian Life Center, Louisville, KY. Guest speakers included Denita Kinnard, King Solomon Baptist Church, Louisville, KY, Evangelist Mary Rieves, Cathedral of Worship, St. Louis, MO, Min. Angela Lee Price, St. Stephen Church, Louisville, KY and Rev. Yvonne McCoy, Canaan Christian Church, Louisville, KY.

Denita Kinnard's message was entitled, The Promise of the Holy Spirit, based on Acts 1: 1-8. "As witnesses, our job is Kingdom Building...I am not ashamed of the Gospel whether I'm in the building or at Kroger's," Kinnard stated.

Evangelist Mary Rieves preached from Ruth 1: 8-16, "Seeing Beyond My Now." "There are three types of women in the story of Ruth and Naomi, the Leaving Woman, Orpha; the Cleaving Woman, Ruth; and the Believeing Woman, Naomi. "Ruth obeyed Naomi, and her obedience got her to the promise...Our problem is we don't obey leadership's call to pray at 6:00 a.m., but we want God to pay our mortgage," Rieves stated. She said, "God tests us to see if we believe that what He says will surely come to pass."

My  sermon was entitled, "Now, Run And Tell That, based on John 20:17 and Mary Magadalene's encounter with Jesus at the empty tomb. "Mary, a woman once possessed by seven demons, received a position of promise  because she started early, stayed fit, stayed late and stuck with it. If you don't know Jesus as Lord and Savior, accept him early, while it is still dark. Don't wait until later in life, on a Saturday or Sunday. Today is the day of salvation," I said.  "We need to train up our children early by sending them to vacation bible school, and teaching them to pray, "Now, lay me down to sleep....we need to do these things early."

Rev. Yvonne McCoy preached from Psalm 1 with the message, "Position Yourself For the Promise."  We should not keep company with immoral people, nor take their advice for anything, she said.  You think that you can lift them up, but they will only bring you down."

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