
Friday, March 22, 2013

Silly Easter Rabbits! Tricks Are for Kids!

By: Min. Angela Lee Price
I'm having a bad hare day. I thought I'd pull a few rabbits out of a hat by surprising some church members with chocolate bunnies, but my hares wouldn't cooperate. It's as if they didn't want to be seen in Jesus saves hats, next to Jesus Saves t-shirts or even in close proximity to items lifting up Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world. Then I asked myself, what do rabbits have to do with Easter anyway?I did a little investigating. Here is a short answer from

When Christianity began to spread, one way of getting pagans to accept the newest religion was to overlap Christian values and ideas with current and much loved pagan customs, to attract the locals to the church and pull them away from their long practised ways of honoring and living with nature. The Easter Bunny and Egg hunts are two such carryovers that, in the beginning, had nothing to do with the Christian faith or belief in Jesus' resurrection. But these pagan ideas helped those wandering priests to get the attention of the pagans they sought to convert. Pagans around Europe loved their goddesses and symbols of life that they understood much more clearly than the Bible, which was not readily available to the common people anyway. Incorporating these pagan practices was discovered to be a key ingredient to bring more people under the church, and it made Christianity itself more acceptable. After all, the most successful missionaries are those who seek to understand the people they wish to convert by living their life without compromising anyone's beliefs. Because the Christian church celebrates the Resurrection of Christ in the spring, it made sense to them to "borrow" from Pagan Spring rites in order to make the attraction to the newer religion plausible.

The short answer is: Rabbits (and eggs) have come to be seen as symbols of new life and rebirth, and the Christian celebration of Easter is all about new life, because of Christ's resurrection, and the new life He bought for us.  

Remember, it is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor Easter Rabbits that save. Jesus saves!


  1. Amen! It is Jesus who saves. Easter bunnies and eggs are part of a pagan spring festival that adds fun to the Easter celebration, but these can also be a distraction from the real message of Easter.

  2. Hi,

    My name is Rev Robert Wright, Editor for, a social network made specifically for Christians, by Christians. We embarked on this endeavor to offer the entire Christian community an outlet to join together and better spread the good word of Christianity. has many great features like Christian TV, prayer requests, finding a church, receiving church updates and advice. We have emailed you to collaborate with you and your blog to help spread the good word of Christianity. I look forward to your response regarding this matter. Thanks!

    Rev. Robert Wright

  3. When I was a child we got Easter baskets filled with rabbits and candy, participated in Easter Egg Hunts, got new clothes, the whole nine yards. Our mother spoiled us as with lots of chocolate. That's one reason I'm a chocolate lover to this day. Our mother meant well like so many mothers, fathers, and families all across this nation. But I am learning, that just because it seems sweet, innocent, cute, and harmless doesn't mean it isn't being used for devilish purposes. I have seen in stores more baskets this year filled with rabbits, toys, and candy than I have ever seen in my life! The commercialization of Easter has reached an all-time high. It's true! Rabbits do multiply, even the stuffed ones! They multiply too!

    Hear me! I do not go devil hunting behind every tree and under every rock, as if I'm hunting for the golden egg. But how many of you know that Satan is real? And it's just like that Satan to use Peter in this season to try to steal the glory that belongs to Jesus alone!

    On the Mount of Transfiguration in Mark 9, Peter, James, and John went up with Jesus and there they saw Moses, Elijah, and Jesus together in gloried bodies. Peter immediately said, "Master, it is good for us to be here; and let us make three tabernacles, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah." God the Father thundered Himself at that moment front heaven, and said about Jesus, "This is my beloved Son, hear him," and Elijah and Moses vanished leaving Jesus alone.

    Again, as Jesus foretold the events of Passion Week, Peter said surely, Jesus you will not suffer and die. Jesus rebuked Peter, saying "Get thee behind me, Satan" (Matthew 16: 22-24).

    And again, it was Peter who denied Jesus three times right after Jesus’ arrest just before the Crucifixion (Luke 22:31-38).

    Don't you know that that Satan is still up to those same ol' silly tricks, trying to get Peter to do his dirty work, Peter Rabbit, Peter Cottontail, Peter Pan, and yes, even Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater! Take a good look at Peter as he hops down the bunny trail with his colorful baskets of treats, diversion tactics to take our minds off the Cross of Christ, denying it all together saying Jesus really didn't go to the Cross, or that Jesus was just a great prophet equal to other faith leaders, and all roads lead to heaven. Let's have some fun! Want some candy, little girl? Want some candy, little boy?

    Aw, but the devil is a lier! My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness. I dare not touch the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name. On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand.

    I can't totally avoid Easter egg hunts because they are a great place to witness. However, I can go prepared to lift up Jesus Christ and rebuke "Peter" when he gets his fury little self out of line!


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