
Tuesday, April 27, 2010 - New Book "What We Love about the Black Church: Can We Get a Witness?"

By: Min. Angela Lee Price
Wow! This is getting "gooder" and "gooder," as Rev. Dr. Freddie Haynes, Sr. Pastor, Friendship West Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas would say. Dr. Eddie Glaude's recent Huffington Post eulogy entitled "The Black Church Is Dead," available on this website, has generated a firestorm of discussion. But before we commit the body, hold on, me thinks me hear a heartbeat! Here now are two white pastors, William H. Crouch, Jr. and Joel C. Gregory, who have come out in defense of the Black Church as an institution alive and well in their soon-to-be-released book in early May entitled, What We Love About The Black Church.

Couch, president of Georgetown College states "Recently a newspaper editor visited our campus to examine our diversity program. When he did his exit interview with me, he said he knew that what made our program so rich is the fact that our African American students are coming from within the black church, where they are being encouraged, prayed for, funded and guided by their pastors. We have more than an 80% retention rate with these black church members. I am stunned by Dr. Glaude's pronouncement and invite him to visit our campus and see the outgrowth from the black church!" - New Book "What We Love about the Black Church: Can We Get a Witness?"

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