
Tuesday, March 02, 2010

A Prayer for Haiti

Heavenly Father,

You are Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end and we bless Your holy name. You are God all by Yourself and beside You there is no other. We thank You for Your son Jesus, for His sinless sacrifice for all humanity. It is through Him that we have eternal life. I am so glad He defeated principalities and powers at the Cross. I am so glad He sits at your right side and intercedes for us. Thank you that while we were sinners, Jesus died for us!

Lord, through this horrible tragedy in Haiti show us Your will. Help us to have compassion and love for our fellow man. Protect the children of Haiti, the orphans and those who have been displaced. Give them a joy that surpasses all understanding. Keep their minds and hearts stayed on You.

Father, we pray that resources that have been sent to Haiti get distributed properly. We have faith in Your ability to supply the need there. We have faith in your ability to restore lives, homes, and property. We pray for Your intervention in situations of confusion, hostility, doubt, despair, hopelessness, and uncertainty. Defeat the enemy by Your mighty name, we pray.

Thank you for the souls that have been saved in Haiti, Lord. Continue to turn the hearts of the people to Jesus Christ. Thank you in advance for the victory. Thank you for the miracles. Thank you for your magnificent love for the people of Haiti.

In Jesus Name, Amen.

We invite you to join The Prayers of the Righteous group on the Jesus Saves Social Network. Pray and fast with us as we strive to draw closer to God in prayer, devotion, and Bible study during this Holy season leading up to Resurrection weekend April 3-4th.

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