
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Can I Go?

By: Rev. Angela Lee Price
"Where you go, I will go, and where you stay, I will stay. Your people shall be my people and your God, my God" Ruth 1:16.

We are in the book of Ruth through Palm Sunday. Last weekend, in my Sunday school class, Learning About Jesus, we talked about Ruth the Moabite, and how her loyal, loving relationship with her mother-in-law Naomi, a Jew originally from the town of Bethlehem (the birthplace of Jesus), lead her to transition to a new land, new life, and new Lord.

Naomi in Ruth chapter one is an awesome model for effective evangelism, demonstrating that one's faith in God, perseverance in the midst of severe trial, hospitality, and genuine concern for the well-being of family members, (who in this instance happen to be daughters-in-law of a different race, ethnicity, and religion) can, with the help of the Holy Spirit lead them to Jesus Christ.

As we close out Women's month and turn to Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Resurrection Weekend, I urge you to share your insights on Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz (who comes on the scene Palm Sunday weekend), to this Blog post "Can I Go?" "Can I Go" was the buzz phrase brothers use to say to sisters back in the day when they wanted to get their attention, "Hey, Baby, "Can I go?" Captivated by the sisters' outer beauty and "got it it going on" style, brothers didn't care where the sisters were going just so long as they could go too. In today's society, men are "going with" women, women are "going with" men, and men and women are "going with" each other, and next to no one is "going with" God it seems. How then do Christians help unsaved family members, people of different races, ethnicities, and religions follow the One True God?What do you think about Ruth's Can I Go question in Ruth 1:16?" What about Orpha, "the fish" that got away? She wanted to go too, but was told to go back home. Who asks Can I Go? in the encounter between Ruth and Boaz? If we are going to "go with" God, what are some of the things we should be willing to do/not do?

Post your comments today in either the Route 66 or Saving S.O.U.L.S. group on the Jesus Saves Social Network, and enter our drawing to win a beautiful bronze Ruth 1:16 Friendship Plaque. Some responses will be included in our Jesus Saves Newsletter, a multi-page Women's Month Special Edition featuring ten members of the Jesus Saves Social Network about to be released.

1 comment:

  1. Here are two people who in choosing to go with God have been healed of their affliction...
    Kenneth Braxton and Constance Wells, our latest applicants for restoration of voting rights received their certificates from Governor Beshear's office this week!! Kenneth is a member of St. Stephen Church and one of my Sunday school members. Connie is a member of Bates Memorial Baptist Church here in Louisville and a decision counselor. I will be sharing pictures and articles on both of them soon! Praise be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who restores voice to the voiceless!! He is an awesome God!!


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