
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Win Tickets to Gospel Stage Play, Church Mess

The gospel stage play, Church Mess, starring Chad and Alicia Robinson Cooper, is coming to the Louisville Memorial Auditorium Saturday, January 23rd, 7:00 PM. Jesus Saves Ministries will be giving away 10 pairs of tickets beginning Monday, January 18th through Thursday, January 21st.

Winners' names will be placed on a "Will Call" list for Jesus Saves Ministries Winners at the 7:00 performance. Each winner will receive a pair of tickets. Names will be listed on my facebook page as well as on the front page of the Jesus Saves Social Network.

Two pairs will be given away in a random drawing to those of you who have RSVP'ed as either "Attending" or "Maybe Attending" on facebook.

To increase your opportunity to win tickets, however, we encourage you to join the Jesus Saves Social Network and our Church Mess group at The discussion topics include...

1. Isn't the church full of hypocrites?
2. Aren't some churches just after your money?
3. Why I love the church, let me count the ways....

The goal is to demonstrate Jesus Christ and His church essential and relevant in transforming lives and meeting the needs of 21st century playgoers and would-be Christians.

Finally, I have a limited number of tickets for sale at $30.00 each. To receive the $30.00 discount you must contact me by Friday.

Your Sister In Christ,

Min. Angela Lee Price
Jesus Saves Ministries, Louisville, KY

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