
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Where Is A Good Street Walker When You Need One?!

By: Rev. Angela Lee Price

Where is a good street walker when you need one? I ask that question half tongue-in-cheek, but the black church has put emphasis in the past on getting prostitutes off the streets. This is good. With the same fervor used in pulling women off the streets, we should be putting street walkers, evangelists on the streets as witnesses for Jesus Christ!

I said earlier this summer that the cults are out there out-witnessing us witnesses. This is one reason Christians are denouncing Christianity, turning to other faiths, or adding unbiblical all-roads-lead-to-heaven types of beliefs with Christianity. On any given Sunday, or Monday, or Tuesday, any day of the week, for that matter, we are more apt to see Mormons in pairs riding their bikes, Jehovah's Witnesses walking the streets, and Muslims on the street corners selling their bean pies and Final Calls than we are to see denominational or non-denominational Christians witnessing for Christ.

Moreover, almost every weekend here lately, so it seems, a public service or charitable organization is having a walk or a run or an event to raise money for their cause -- colon cancer, breast cancer, some other form of cancer, diabetes, stroke, heart disease, children with disabilities, AIDS and HIV, and the lists goes on. Where are the Christians amongst all this apparent do-gooding? Soon, the kettles will be out and the bells will be ringing. Will we be there?

I have seen the work going on inside the church, and not just my church. I don't want to minimize that which is good and needed inside many churches. Bless God for those churches and the gifts He has given to believers to edify the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:7-17), but where are the outside workers, street walkers, runners, joggers even, for Jesus in these tough economic times?

Considering the numbers of churches on every corner in every city, and the size of some of our mega churches, we should be bumping into each other on the streets with our complimentary Bibles and tracks eager to share the Good News with anyone willing to give us half a minute of their time.

What's up with the 21st century Andrew and woman at the well? Why aren't we sharing our faith in this century the way they both did in the first century? Could it be we are settling for the creature comforts of padded pews and familiarity, only to discuss Jesus with those whom we know and feel comfortable because they are members of the church? Or are we uncomfortable defending the faith and sharing our testimonies, so we don’t do it? Or are evangelistic ministries turning to technology and the internet, abandoning what they perceive to be outdated methods for reaching the lost of for Jesus Christ? Or are we simply too afraid that the world is just too cruel , too nasty, and too mean and anything could happen to us out there? The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Lord, please send us some street walkers this season!

Join our discussions on Effective Evangelism with the Saving S.O.U.L.S. (Saints Organized and United to See the Lost Saved) group on the Jesus Saves Ministries Social Network.

Remember, it is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus saves!

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