
Monday, September 14, 2009

Learning About Jesus Luau

By: Min. Angela Lee Price

Jesus Saves Ministries hosted a Post-Labor Day Luau for my Sunday school class, Learning About Jesus on Sunday, September 13th. Left, members of my leadership team, from left to right - Evangelism Coordinator Mattie Smith, Teacher, Min. Angela Lee Price, Missions Coordinators Sylvia Harper and Cozette Benson-Curry, Co-teacher Karen Martin, Administrator, Marilyn Swinney, and Activities Coordinators Hannah Clayborne and Lisa Grant, plus "hoolah darlings," little Kendra Harper and Jamila Young.

We dined, enjoyed outdoor gospel music, discussed the Bible, and spent time in the "Sonshine" walking with Jesus.

Learning About Jesus is a co-ed group of adults 25 and over. Our class meets Sundays from 8:30-9:30 a.m., Room 306, St. Stephen Family Life Center, 15th & Kentucky, on the campus of St. Stephen Church, Louisville, Kentucky.

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Remember, it is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus saves!


  1. Hi: Don't you think it would be great to see all the Leaders on their knees praying weekly?

    I think it is a great committment for those who can attend our prayer on Wednesday nights.

    People like choir directors, deacons, counselors,associate ministers, all staff, teachers, etc. Just a suggestion. Prayer changes things. We need more unity and we are certainly changing since prayer was implimented.

  2. Thank you for taking the time to post a comment. Yes, I agree with you. It would be great if we could pray more corporately, as well as individually, leaders and well as lay people in the church. So many people are going through storms right now and though they have faith, they are worried. Gideon is a a Biblical example. Their hearts need to be guarded by the peace of God that surpassing all understanding comes by making their requests known to God in prayer. And scripture tells us in 1 Thessalonias 5:17 to pray continually and give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for us as Christians. Then finally we need to watch as well as pray. Continually in the New Testament we are warned to "watch," "be on guard," and "be alert." Our adversary the devil is on the prowl.

  3. A post script to the comment above.

    Several of the leaders who attended the luau and some who could not make it, received in class yesterday, luau prayer mats made of straw with a luau flower design.

    Though the luau was a much-needed fellowship for our class, I had purchased the "prayer mats" prior to the luau with the intention of giving them as gifts.

    Your comment served as an additional reminder that I had not given them out. The delay worked well, however as this week's lesson opened with Ezra falling to his knees in prayer ashamed before God at the disobedience of Israel (Ezra Chapter 9) in engaging in mixed marriages. I was able to use the prayer mat in illustrating the importance of corporate and individual prayer, as well as following repentance with tangible actions as Ezra and Israelites did in Ezra Chapter 10.

    Thanks again for posting the note!


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