
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bishop Victor Couzens: St. Stephen's Men's Day Speaker

By: Min. Angela Lee Price
A powerful package of preaching power, Bishop Victor Couzens, Senior Pastor Inspirationl Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio was the Men's Day guest speaker at St. Stephen Church, Louisville, Kentucky on September 13th. Bishop Couzens preached all four services including, "From Maniac to Missionary," at 8:00 a.m., "Blessed, But Bound" at 10:45, and the uniquely crafted and presented 11:30 message, "Where Is Barabbus?"

At the 9:40 service, Bishop Couzens preached, "W.W.F., Wrestling With the Father, from Genesis 32:21-24. In this message on the patriach Jacob wrestling with God, Couzens said, "It's alright to have a checkered past as long as you have a relevant relationship....Before you can go to Canaan, the place of inheritance, you must first go by Jabbok, the place of preparation. God takes things from you, and gives things to you there....God is more concerned about where you are going than where you have been."

Couzens told Sunday morning worshippers at his first appearance at St. Stephen Church, "You've been running and walking, but the Lord wants you to L.I.M.P.- Lean Intentionally on the Master's Provisions."

A native of Dayton, Ohio, Couzens started his preaching ministry at age 14, and his pastoral ministry at 19. He is a candidate for a Masters of Art Degree in Ministry from Indiana Weleyan University, and has served as the third vice president of the National Baptist Convention USA, Inc.-Young Pastors and Ministers Division. Couzens has been pastoring Inspirational Baptist Church since July 2000, and has grown the church from 300 to more than 1,800 members.

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