
Friday, September 11, 2009

Barbara Ice Trammell's Single, "A New Day" Released On Troy Sneed's New CD, "In Due Season."

By: Min. Angela Lee Price

Below is an excerpt from my September 11th radio interview with gospel singer, songwriter Barbara Ice Trammell on Jesus Saves Ministries Live! on The title song from Barbara's CD, "A New Day" was just recorded by national gospel artist Troy Sneed, and is on his newly-released CD, "In Due Season."

How did Troy Sneed learn of your song?
It was one of those God blowing your mind again things. When I look back over events that happened over the past few years I know that God actually said NO to me in a lot of circumstances that sent me into His YES . He blocked me from working with a lot of musicians, and believe me, I did try and when I had almost given up on the idea of a CD He brought a young man into my life by the name of Titus Robertson. Titus is from Louisville, but travels all over the world and works with many national artist. God sent him to help me. Titus was my musical consultant, arranger, confidant, you name it, for my last CD, which by the way is titled "New Day". Titus was the one who introduced my song to Troy Sneed.

Have you and Troy Sneed met?
Actually we have never met. I've corresponded with him by email and spoken to him on the phone. He has plans to be in this area soon and we plan to get together then.

How did you find out Troy Sneed was going to do his version of it?
Actually Titus called me a while ago and gave me the news. He asked me if it would be OK to have Troy call. Several weeks went by, and I was beginning to think it wouldn't happen. Then I got another call from Titus letting me know that Troy had been trying to reach me but had the wrong number. Once Troy got the right number, things started rolling quickly. Troy's version has a style that is different from mine. It's sort of has a quartet flavor. I love it! The song is the same but molded to his unique style. I'm so thrilled that this song can touch so many lives. God is so faithful.

Troy Sneed's version of your song has a quartet flavor. What flavor does your version have?
Actually my version has a more Traditional Gospel, Sunday Morning, Go To Church flavor.

What type of gospel music do you like singing the most traditional or contempory? Is it represented on your CD? I would say a little of both. And yes, most definitely these are reflected on my CD. I grew up in the Baptist church, so that's my foundation, however I have a couple of Masters Degrees in Music one of which is from in voice performance from The Cleveland Institute of Music.

What is the Inspiration behind New Day?
I am reminded each day that God has allowed me to wake up in my right mind in good health and blessed me with so many things. Most of all He's given me another opportunity to get things right and press toward the goals and blessing that He has for me.

What is your favorite song on the CD and why?
That would have to be "Holy, Holy, Holy"...We serve an awesome God. There is none that can be compared to Him. "I stand amazed, worhip and Praise Him..He only is Holy.

Who are some of the gospel artist you have worked with?
Yolanda Adams, Keith Hunter and The Witness For Christ Choir, Douglas Miller, Michael Bolton, Angella Christie, Bobby Jones.

Do you have plans to work with Troy further in any way?
I would love to. But for now there are no plans. I know that God's promises are true and in his time.....not mine.......I'll have my "Habakkah moment. :)"

Have you signed with a label?
No I haven't. I'm what's considered an Independent Artist. In fact God helped me to finance my last project totally on my own. That was not my plan, but His. He kept pouring into my spirit the same thing he did for Moses......."What Do You Have In Your Hands". I solicited funds, but none came. However in God's plan and time, little by little, penny by penny I was able to get it done. But I guess you already know.... God will not bless me to get my next CDs produced in the same way. He wants me to rely on Him, not man. I don't have the money I used to have because there were cutbacks on my job. I thank God I still have a job, but I just have to focus on a few other things right now. I have no complaints. All my needs have been met and some of my wants. :) God promised that "My Grace Is Sufficient....". So I know, that just like the title of Troy's new CD. "In Due Season."......God WILL handle it. The Word says that we will experience "New Mercies" every morning. So when I wake up in the morning, I Thank God for a "New Day".

Visit Barbara Ice Trammell's website at

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