
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Jesus Saves Ministries Awards $500 Academic Scholarship to Rev. Eileen Little

Jesus Saves Ministries congratulates Rev. Eileen Little on becoming the recipient of a $500.00 academic scholarship for the fall 2009 semester at Simmons College of Kentucky.

Eileen is a native of Louisville, Kentucky. She is a graduate of the Jefferson County Public School system. She has attended Bellarmine College (University), the University of Louisville, Indiana University Southeast, and is currently a student at Simmons College of Kentucky where she received a Certificate in Biblical Studies in 2007, the Associate degree in Biblical Studies in 2008, and is scheduled to graduate in May of 2010 with a Bachelor degree in Religious Studies. She is active in revitalizing the Student Government Association where she serves as Parliamentarian and advisor to the President.

She was licensed to preach in December of 2002. She is the former administrative assistant of the Forest Tabernacle Baptist Church where she also served as the coordinator of the Women’ Fellowship Group, Sunday school teacher, and youth worker. She is currently an assistant minister of the New Covenant Baptist Church where she teaches the noon day Bible Study, assists in teaching Sunday school, is the Sunday worship leader, and Chairperson of the Worship Planning and Coordinating Committee. Eileen is a servant of God and a servant unto His people.

Her passion is to help young women who seem to have no hope come to understand the power of faith in God. She works closely with individuals to advise them on self-improvement and becoming the women that God has ordained them to be.

Scholarship Criteria:
  1. Candidate should be pursuing a Bachelor of Theology or Bachelor of Religious Studies degree;
  2. Be scheduled to graduate from Simmons College of Kentucky by May 2010;
  3. Have an overall GPA of 3.5 or better;
  4. Be a female student.

Again, we congratulate Rev. Little on her academic success. To God be the glory!

It is not Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius, nor New Age that saves. Jesus saves!

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